The Baby Fairy is a Villain


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The daughter of a fairy who becomes crazy, Richesia.
The famous fairy with a cruel personality,
who is growing a people-eating flower,
and cutting down those she dislikes with an axe.

“Woah, I’m gowing cayzy.”

She, who was the center of all kinds of splendid incidents….

“Itz dayve me cayzy.”

Is living as a baby!

Inheriting the mad fairy blood, Richesia transformed herself into a baby
to find those who experimented on her deceased mother
then became the adopted child of the Basilian family.

“I’m Zzesha Basilian.”

She intended to run away after stealing information,
but the situation has become strange.
The men of the Basilian family, who are all insane with a sane face,
begin to take an excessive interest in Chesha.

“I went to the bedroom and was surprised that Chesha was not there. I thought someone stole Chesha.”

A beautiful but dangerous dad, and…

“Why doesn’t she ask to stay in the County?”
“You’re really weird. Because of you, I became weird too.”

Three crazy brothers who don’t know where will be exploded
with only the affection for their adopted sister growing.

Even the Heresy Inquisitor of the Holy Empire,
who has been following the fairy for a long time, is in a strange state.
He, who doesn’t even get mistaken that Chesha is a fairy’s daughter
goes in search of Chesha’s real father.

“Why’re you looking fo ma fader…?”
“I have to kill him.”

When she is tired because of those annoying clingers.
Chesha discovers that she cannot revert to her adult body.
She even begins to narrow the siege of her fairy…

“How far do you plan to destroy me, fairy?”

Will Chesha be able to safely escape from the County?

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Baby Fairies Are Villains
아기 요정은 악당
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selprenal rated it
July 2, 2023
Status: c12
The story is fundamentally nothing original or mind-blowing.


The author takes elements that have been used and recycled thousands of times in this kind of childcare genre and creates their own unique spin on it. Within 12 chapters, I am impressed at the decently rich world-building, solid overarching plot and, most praiseworthy of all, the author's ability to create a cast that is compelling and fleshed out.

From the FL to her new adoptive family to the mysterious Heresy Inquisitor

... more>>

potential ML???


I am invested in all of these characters despite the short time we have known them. In fact, I already adore the puppy shapeshifter Hata (protect him. AT. ALL. COST!!) and am interested to see why

the emperor is so meek and afraid of the count (FL's new father), because he does not seem to be a dumb person (in front of others he keeps up a benevolent appearance and is well-respected).


I believe characters make or break a story, so me being this drawn to practically every single character introduced in this series is a huge, huge feat, in my opinion.

Therefore, after some consideration, I have decided to give this 5 stars, because I am putting my trust in its potential. Story, please don't let me down. <<less
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