The Attention Seeker Dies Again Today


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Why Only Me, Why Only Me!!!

Everyone else, whether they’re the main character, a supporting role, or even just an extra, manages to live their lives with ease, immersed in the story. But somehow, I ended up possessed by something bizarre.

[Currently, your attention level is 17%.] [If you don’t reach 100% within the remaining time, you will die.]

As an attention seeker who dies if they don’t immediately achieve their attention level, I tried to set up some sweet flags for myself as a possessed character, only to find… a death flag.

Despite desperately trying to draw attention while swallowing my tears and snot…

“Tell me. How did you find out?”

The male lead is trying to kill me.

Ah, the fate of an attention seeker is to be killed in the most extreme way.

* * *

But something went wrong. It seems I drew attention in the worst possible way.

“We’re not breaking up. I can’t let you go.”

The prince, for whom I had to jump around like a live fish to get any attention, is now clinging to me.

“My life belongs to you, Miss.”

An assassin appears offering his life—something I neither want nor need.

“I’ll marry you.”

A seemingly normal man, but who seems far from normal on the inside, keeps making advances.

But amidst all this chaos, the most panic-inducing thing is this:

“Mae, look at what I brought!”

The female lead, Edith, smiled brightly with an unusually happy face.

“It’s very fresh, as I just got it this morning!”

What madness. Does that even count as an apology?

The original male lead is dead. Leaving behind a death report for the female lead instead of a marriage report.

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