The Arrogant President’s Cute Assistant


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Ling Xiaonai, the president of Ling Corporation, has a cherished woman in his life, Ye Ranxi.

He treasures her like a gem, dotes on her like a precious treasure, and keeps her by his side at all times, not allowing her the slightest chance to escape.

Under Ling Xiaonai’s endless affection, Ye Ranxi finds herself falling deeper and deeper.

She once believed that happiness was that simple, only for the lies wrapped in love to shatter one day.

She finally understood that the man she fell in love with was the coldest, most heartless devil in the world.

Fleeing in disgrace, she swears that one day she will stand before him again as a strong, formidable figure.

And then, she will personally destroy everything about this man…

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