The All-Master of Cyberpunk


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‘Seoul 2056’ is set in a world that has fallen into chaos due to the spread of mutant viruses and the rebellion of androids. A hidden scenario was opened when all the endings were collected for the first time in the world.

In a world where everyone’s body has been modified into a machine, and all kinds of monsters and hunters run wild, the only privilege given is [pure organism], which is impossible to modify. In the apocalyptic cyberpunk world that has become reality, a veteran’s hellish survival story of being possessed by an F-class hunter!

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사이버펑크의 올마스터
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templeofshadow rated it
July 21, 2024
Status: c10
The premise is interesting--a classic Korean possession novel, but in a cyberpunk world instead of something like an academy game. From what I could read so far, it seems similar to Supporting Characters in the Game are Obsessed, with some minor differences, at least in these beginning chapters.

The only reason I didn't give it more than 3 stars is because of the translation. To put it bluntly, the translation quality is around equal to MTL. While I could read it and somewhat understand it, it would be quite difficult for... more>> someone who doesn't interact with MTL often to read this translation and get more than basic ideas out of it.

While I respect translators to a great degree--mostly because of the aforementioned numerous interactions with MTL--the translator really should strive to be better than this. The sentence flow is erratic, the diction and syntax all feel off... It just all feels a little wrong, and that distracts from the story. At least, that's how I felt as a native English speaker.

Now, the quality of the translation doesn't necessarily mean that the story itself is good or bad. It doesn't even mean that the translator is good or bad. The story might have been poorly written, or written in such a way that translation is rather difficult. But what I see is very similar to Korean to English MTL, so that idea is what I'm basing my opinion on. (To the translator, if you're reading this: I don't have any malice in saying this, I'm trying to be objective in my statements)

Anyways. Looking through the translation, the story itself has some potential, albeit as a prototypical Korean possession novel with some changes to make it fresh. With a better translation, I'd probably give it a 4~4.5 star though, because it seems to be well done in my opinion, and I have a weakness for this genre. Not only that though; The changed parts of the premise and the new (-ish) setting makes the story feel fresh in comparison to all the cookie-cutter academy novels.

If the translation improves, I'll probably edit this review (if I remember lol). But for now, my most generous rating is at a 3. Pick it up if you can stomache sub-par translation quality and you have nothing better to read. Especially if you like Korean possession/transmigration novels. <<less
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