The Actor Who Made a Deal with the Devil


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A hero-type actor is reborn as a villain.

Ji-han Kim, a hero-type actor, ruins his career by only playing good roles. It’s a trap that actors can fall into—typecasting. The public no longer has expectations for him and feels tired just by looking at his face.

To make matters worse, he gets tricked into a fraudulent contract by his agency, making his future activities uncertain. The life he lived, trying to keep the peace, now tightens around his neck.

A last chance approaches him in his desperate situation.
It is a contract with the devil.

Given a second life,
He gains a mask fitting of a villain and a superpower that lets him hear the voice of the villain from the script.
Along with a new mindset, he is determined not to live as a pushover anymore!

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악마와 계약한 배우님
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