The Abandoned Saint I Picked Up is a Side Character in an Otome Game and Turns Out to Be the World’s Strongest Mage. I Plan to Rescue the Heroine Who Couldn’t Achieve Her Happy Ending in a Dungeon.


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“Hand over the witch pretending to be a saint? Try it by force if you dare, you so-called love interests.

One day, a side character in an otome game ended up rescuing the heroine.

The heroine, unable to reach her happy ending, found herself targeted and pushed to the brink, both physically and emotionally.

By chance, a young mage with memories of his past life came across her.

This is the story of a side character who takes in an abandoned saint and protects her by defeating any love interests who dare to harm her.”

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  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)

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