The Abandoned Husband Dominates


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After three years of being married to an unfaithful wife, the multi-billionaire is chased out of his home!

After the divorce…

His unfaithful ex-wife comes begging for forgiveness while she says, “I was wrong, please give me another chance!”

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bulls420 rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: c213
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Yururu rated it
June 14, 2022
Status: c300+
Humanity is sinful. And I have a loss of words. Akin to the other reviewers before me, this is shit. A dung. I'm melancholic why I rather read somewhere else before I went to read the reviews. Wasted half my day. Enjoy if you'd like. Main character is too much of an idiot, a confused, and fool.

First things first, what the f*ck. I was expecting something entertaining, not to have my brain bullied to forcibly understand what the hell was going on.

The main character at the beginning catches my eye and I enjoyed the first few chapters. I was filled with expectations that the main character would indeed do as the synopsis claims but I was utterly disappointed.

From being cuckolded by her wife who he remarried again and again, like seriously dude, she's a cheater and not only twice but thrice. You divorced her, I was happy, but it repeated until we came to the completely illogical arc.

She gets pregnant, he was cuckolded again, his girlfriend marries someone else, and he has an illegitimate daughter. Is the author serious?! When the passage of him telling us the readers about how he was sent to improve his personalities prior to his grandfather's arrangements, that old man not only failed to teach him many things! Many things!

And he's a billionaire—so what, look at how scummy his being is. I don't understand what was the absolute need of torturing not only the main character but the reader as well!

I know novels are meant to be fictional and illogical but this brought more pain to my already aching hip. Bro, I can't continue reading anymore. At first, I thought it was okay of me to read something with harem and drama present but bad idea.

I'll be braindead soon enough if I proceed. Not my type, not my cup of tea, not to my taste. It could've been a great series if the later stages were proficiently managed.

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verenberry rated it
June 29, 2022
Status: --
This is really bad and pointless.

Plus is set in Orlando (Florida I'm assuming). The families involved are supposed to be Caucasian but all the terms and behavioural culture are Chinese.... So it quite jarring to read. E. G. Kneel to beg for forgiveness, drinking/toasting for forgiveness. I'm not sure why the author didn't just set it in China. So awkward.

What a waste of time reading/skimming this.
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avisaha313 rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: --
As a businessman and a investor I can only say it is said that the MC who is supposed to be a business tycoon. If MC would be given a multi billion dollar industry for one week then with his horrible ideas he can destroy the whole business in that week. And he would do a splendid job. The MC have such kind of talent. If the MC becomes the finance minister of a country the country would go bankrupt in Max 15 days. If the MC becomes the chairman... more>> of international monetary fund then the world economic can collapse Max in a month.

For the other aspects of the story the MC is basically a cuc**ld. And too neive for his own good.

A Gay who can't make study decisions, cannot stand up to his point doesn't have the guts to face his problems that's a kind of guy MC is.

  • *This is a review after 200 chapters.
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Tasera rated it
March 23, 2024
Status: c1452
This novel shouldn't be read by humans. I read the entire thing (completed at 1452 chaps) and there's only one thing I have to say.


I swear to god that from that chapter the whole novel plunged so hard it fell into the bottom of the universe. I have never seen an author tank his novel as hard as he did, it is incredible. The novel went from okay at the beginning, to average and straight-up skipped bad... more>> to directly end up in the "worst" category. I don't care if it has no ending after you read chapter 945 (just don't read the novel at all if you can)


I don't even have to mention the last 60 chapters which are just a rushed ending where something I had never experienced before happened : MC goes on an express cultivation arc where he turns from mortal to immortal in about 50 chapters (I pity these xianxia authors now, who write 3000 chapters for the same result)

The moment Victoria (MC's second woman) committed su*cide is pretty much when the novel ended, what I wrote in caps above is what happens a few chapters later while MC tries to fix it. Everything that happens after she wakes up should just be erased from one's memory. Forever. I have never regretted reading a novel so much in my life, and the way author destroyed MC's relationships except Lauren's drives people crazy. Just so you know, I am not trying to vent with this review, it is honestly how bad it got with each chapter. I just couldn't stop feeling angry after I read past the 945th chap. This novel really shouldn't have had the chance to persist.

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