Tales of the Supernatural


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The Yin Yang masters are fated to suffer from the Five Deficiencies and Three Lacks. But… is there a way to break free from this destiny?

A life-and-death romance with a blood-sucking zombie!!!

After a relentless search for the Yin Yang Strange Records, it turns out… it was all part of an even bigger conspiracy!!!

The Qin Emperor’s Tomb, blood-sucking zombie, the Inn of the Underworld, ancient tombs of the Warring States, Yin Yang Strange Records—all in the “Tales of the Supernatural”!

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Date Group Release
11/26/24 Novelib c16
11/26/24 Novelib c15
11/26/24 Novelib c14
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11/12/24 Novelib c9
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11/10/24 Novelib c4
11/10/24 Novelib c3
11/10/24 Novelib c2
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