Tales of the Nine Dragons


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In the storm-lashed night at a grand estate, lightning strikes and a deadly game unfolds—blood is shed as palace guards hunt down intruders. Amidst this chaos, a desperate plea from a palace maid echoes through the tumult, begging for the life of her son, Zhu Hualin, the emperor’s secret ninth child. His birth shrouded in scandal, Hualin’s life hangs in the balance as the Empress seeks to erase what she sees as a stain on the imperial lineage. As swords clash and thunder roars, the mother’s ultimate sacrifice sets the stage for a tale of intrigue, survival, and hidden legacies. Dive into the heart of the storm in this gripping prologue where every whisper of mercy has a price.

Years passed.

Will he become the tyrant of the martial world, or a wise and right ruler?

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09/12/24 Media Tag c1
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