Sword Saints Should Go Tank


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A false Sword Saint: Faintly discernible Martial Art and a matchless Sword Art. One death with every ten steps, no traces left behind in ten miles.

A genuine Sword Saint: A deep and resounding bloodline, peerless strength, an inexhaustible power and one chop to destroy the world.

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Antrone rated it
October 12, 2022
Status: c184
Don't waste time reading this one, the novel is full of general misogyny (constantly talking about how women are weak and worthless only good for s*x stuff) not to mention that the MC is by far the worst, he's a rapist monster who regularly tortures his victims...

(direct quote: "At that moment, fear was written all over Chan'er's face. Last night, she had been listening outside the door for an entire night. Thus, she knew of the torture her young miss had suffered.

Looking at Ji Hongdie, who was lying on the bed with scars all over her body, tears flowed down her face." -Ch:184).

... I generally don't mind villian mc's but I hate rapists and can't stand having one for a protagonist.
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SproutlingUnderARoof rated it
September 13, 2021
Status: --
The premise is unoriginal, the writing is uninspired, and everything else inside the cookie-cutter of a novel is stolen or otherwise generic.

Even the skills, like, jeez. He got a system of a game he made, but lol Jk the skills are still from a game that actually already exists. What? You were expecting something new? No, F you, here's league.
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