Sweet Reward


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The night before entering the mountains, Yu Le drank too much Wang Ba soup and, in a daze, mistakenly walked into the wrong hotel room. He was dazed all night, and the clearest memory he had was waking up in the morning and seeing him for the first time- he’s incredibly handsome.

Well, it’s not a bad deal.

Yu Le comforted himself as he hurriedly left with a watch left behind to support his waist.

The next day, as he entered the mountains and arrived at the inn he had booked in advance, he stepped through the door and immediately saw the owner leaning against the counter, counting on an abacus—or rather, his one-night stand.

Yu Le’s expression twisted for a moment, but he quickly feigned nonchalance and handed over his ID. The man glanced at the ID, then looked back up at him and said, “Please wait a moment,” before going to the back to fetch a thick blanket.

“Come with me.”

Yu Le asked, “Don’t you have any blankets in the rooms here?”

The man replied, “This is for you to use as padding.”

Yu Le frowned slightly, “So, is the bed board too hard?”

The man turned back, giving him a casual glance, “No guests have complained about that; it’s mainly because of your special situation.”

Yu Le: “…!”

He clearly hadn’t turned on the lights last night; how could he possibly know?

Retired tough military guy (seme) vs. delicate beauty (uke)

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