Sweet and Pampered Flower in the 1970s


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The wealthy girl Yang Xiaoye is known as a delicate and pampered girl in the surrounding area. She can’t carry anything, her soft, fair hands can get hurt even from holding a sickle. It is said her parents are senior government officials in the provincial capital who travel in cars and have meat with every meal. If she hadn’t decided to respond to the country’s call for youth volunteers, she would never have come to endure hardship in this village.

The poor boy Gu Huai, by contrast, is known as a local troublemaker. His family is poor and he lives on coarse food like bran and vegetable dumplings and drinks cold water. He has a bad reputation mostly because he’s been falsely accused by others. Because of this, he can only earn half of the usual work points even after working hard all day. Most of what he earns goes toward medicine for his blind mother. The villagers never imagined these two would ever connect.

But one day, the fair and beautiful Yang Xiaoye brought a lunch basket to Gu Huai who was working in the field and wiped his sweat with a floral-patterned handkerchief. For a moment, the entire village was left speechless.

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