Surviving as an Idiot in a Horror Game


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“I ended up getting possessed in the horror game I used to play with my brother.

And not just any character, but April, a young lady who’s pretty-faced but has a pure, airheaded brain!

Surviving the horror elements is already tough enough, and now I have to act like I’m completely clueless on top of that.

If there’s one thing that’s fortunate, it’s that I come from a family of military officers, so my physical abilities are exceptional.

I can tank all kinds of monsters—shadow monsters, spider monsters, demon monsters, you name it.

You know what they say: when the body is weak, the brain suffers!

But to survive until the end, I need to join either the [Heroine’s Team] or the [Villainess’s Team] .

Which one should I choose?”

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공포게임 속 백치 영애로 살아남기
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