Surviving as a One-Star in a Dead Game


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In a world ravaged by war, natural disasters, and mutant monsters.

And then there’s me, a one-star tr*sh agent that doesn’t even exist in the game.

‘I don’t know if I can handle this…….’

But there’s no choice now.

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MyRAMEN rated it
August 23, 2024
Status: c3
The translation bogs down the story too much. I double checked on other revs too see if anyone had those complaints too, in case it was just me being confused.

The premise trope is one of my favorite, reincarnating into a story you know of, which in this case was a video game. Even if the translation was better though, I can't suggest this as the story and development just wasn't good.

The whole setting doesn't make sense either, like how the rating system has no 1 star characters, making him the... more>> only one. What kind of rating system starts at 3 stars..? Plus he is set as a 1 star when the lowest which is 3 star have 0 talents and sh1tty/no skills. Yet our MC who has a blatantly listed hidden talent, and one of the most broken skills, somehow is rated even lower that that... There's some other setting / background stuff that makes 0 sense like that too, pretty sure that was the author and not translation goo.

If you want to read a novel like this, I suggest reading Pick Me Up! Infinity Gacha instead as the MC also reincarnates to a gacha system game as the lowest star, but is actually weak, and the stakes are actually very high. (Though it fell off very hard once halway through) <<less
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Fubker rated it
August 5, 2024
Status: c15
Very interesting premise, hampered by a somewhat iffy translation. ~4.2/5

This review is very early on, so keep this in mind. So far, though, this is very promising.

The premise of this novel is very unique, being transmigrated into legally distinct Arknights as an operator; there's the professor (dokutah), Selvologics Lab (Rhode Island), the Legion (Reunion), and a borderline apocalyptic setting. Hell, it's even stated that the gameplay is tile-based. The start is pretty similar too, recovering the professor in stasis and bringing them back.

... more>>

The author chooses to have the protagonist split off instead of locking him with SL, which was unexpected to me and has me excited for what's to come with worldbuilding.


What I'm somewhat dissatisfied with is the translation; it's understandable by all means, but sometimes will frustratingly require you to stop and think about what is being said. The professor's gender flip-flops, and names change (Selvologics Lab -> Selbro Logistics Lab). Again, understandable but somewhat frustrating. As this is early on, the quality will hopefully improve, though.

As it stands, this is a promising novel with an interesting premise and great start. If you've enjoyed Arknights or want something unique, give it a try. <<less
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aLameOtaku rated it
August 18, 2024
Status: c25
It's pretty good, you should give it a try.

I'm just gonna state the obvious... The world was clearly inspired by Arknights.

These can be seen throughout the story:

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Tile-based Game (Literally Arknights)

Agents = Operators (Called Operators in Arknights)

Agent rarities span from 1 star to 6 stars (Just like in Arknights)

Ghost was supposed to die in the beginning by buying time for the rescue squad that saved the Professor. (Ace's death from Arknights)

The Amnesiac Professor with tactical knowledge. (Doctor from Arknights)

Asterike is basically Sutr from Arknights.

Snowfield is literally Frostnova from Arknights.

Post-Apocalyptic World with frequent Disasters. (Similar to Terra's Catastrophes)

And MUCH much more.


Our MC, as the title states, is transmigrated into a one-star character with a weak, but unique, ability to manifest weapons.

However, the MC is smart and utilizes his ability to the fullest.

Due to fact that the weapons he creates is scaled on his current rarity, the weapons obviously have tr*sh abilities. However, the MC is able to make use of his ability by making weapons that are useful in particular situations.


The MC uses a "Sticky Brush" that applies a 10% slow effect on the selected tile (or in this case, the painted area). But through testing, he realized that the effects could stack and was able to apply 100% slowness through multiple uses.


The MC knows future events, but his presence is already affecting the plot.


Ghost was supposed to die, but he saved him. In addition to killing the Shadower who was pursuing them.

Due to the Shadower's death, a main villain called Snowfield arrived earlier than expected.

Snowfield's early entrance led to the death of an agent named Mary (who was supposed to be a 5 star in the future).

And Snowfield's death led to a MAJOR error in the system. The system literally has to recalculate the events in the future, since Snowfield died wayyyy too early.


The MC isn't an all-knowing god that predicts events. A good analogy for this that: The MC basically watched a movie. But the MC inserted himself into the plot, and now the movie's events have changed.

Honestly, it's interesting. Plus, the world-building (which is definitely inspired by Arknights, cough cough) isn't excessive.

You should give it a read. <<less
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Baldor rated it
August 10, 2024
Status: c22
This is definitely the novel being translated I'm most excited about right now. It's got a really cool, intelligently devised weak to strong mechanism and it's always satisfying to see the protagonisto overcome obstacles/enemies/situations with creative use of the limited tools available to him and all his knowledge of the game. The world is pretty interesting as well, hard to describe, sort of a combo between Fallout and Shadowrun from what I've seen so far. Like I said, it's probably the only novel I'm really excited for right now besides... more>> Breaking Up with the Heroine of the Female-Oriented Game. Looking forward to more! <<less
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Visser rated it
August 10, 2024
Status: c15
its walking down some VERY worn and ruined roads.... but it isnt bad right now.

main character has entered a game, and the author has already partially accounted for the biggest flaw in this horrendous trope genre. there is a difference between the game and this reality. its blatantly called out and discussed. too many authors let the premise stir, in which case no one matters and the entire story is broken to its very core. how can any relationship be meaningful if they are all npcs and the MC just... more>> uses and ab*ses them for his own profit?

the one problem this author has not really dodged, is the pre-ordained game knowledge. this is not a god gamer bringing his skills into a new reality. this is a guy who knows whats goin on and has game knowledge that the new world follows but doesnt seem to be aware of. his super trap with the sticky paint pretty much destroys the laws of reality. it either shouldnt have worked, or the other characters should have known about it and had their own gamer tricks.

as such, we are walking down the super special future knowledge filled op MC who thinks he isnt op. its a japanese genre that is horrible and needs to die, but this is a korean version of it. maybe it will work <<less
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