Surviving Among the Entities


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City’s extinction.

Nation’s extinction.

Humanity’s extinction.

World’s extinction.

Earth’s extinction.

And the universe’s extinction.

A game where half the endings were about extinction has become reality.

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New inzill rated it
January 3, 2025
Status: --
This is an odd story. How well written it is, is rather ambiguous. The SCP stuff is interesting and written in a well thought out way, but is both the best part and not the focus. The cast consists near entirely of the protagonist who is, to put it bluntly, rather s*upid. He enjoys waxing poetic about vague philosophies, but contradicts any hint of wisdom or intelligence through his lack of sense. It isn't like the philosophies themselves are bad, or particularly (dis) agreeable. He's just inconsistent in a way... more>> that seems unintentional and (as a character) unintelligent.

What this means is that we're given an interesting world, with interesting if sparse characters, but our means of experiencing it is limited to a character who isn't pulling his weight. If you're not sure you're interested, I recommend reading up to at least the end of chapter 5 to get a feel for it. That much shows you who the protagonist is and will be, the world to a fair extent, and what direction the story will be going on. <<less
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Hobs4 rated it
December 15, 2024
Status: c20
It's a great novel with a protagonist who's so full of faith it's funny but intelligent with a very human side, it's quite refreshing and above all as a fan of the SCP world I find the universe really well constructed and the story gripping one of my best reads of the year.👌
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