Supreme Rebirth


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A generation of the strong Martial Emperor Chen Lei, going through the strongest Celestial Thunder Tribulation, inexplicably returning to adolescence and starting an invincible journey against the sky. All enemies are crushed, all enemies are annihilated, all aliens are suppressed, all treasures are at hand, surrounded by beautiful women, directly in the world, and a generation to the supreme, ancient invincible emperor.

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Yoburi rated it
August 9, 2020
Status: --
A Supreme? More like a dumbass that got lucky, MC return to the past and does everything wrong. His family was suposse to be massacred in 10 years but MC in made the events taht cause his family to be destroy to happend in 10 days.

There are other novels with experts going back to the past but this one is probably the worst, he doesnt act like a old powerhouse but like a dumb protagonist that just started his jorney.
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