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Three years later, or in the distant future, when people recall the glory of the 1990’s rock music, Hollywood film brilliant, whether it will mention such a name, “Hugo – Lancaster”, and whether Sigh again and again,

“I think that year, I experienced Hugo creating a miracle of that era.” On January 14, 1992, Hugo – Lancaster in the twelfth Golden Raspberry Award was in tears while receiving his first worst actor award. From there on,he became the first person to receive the Golden Raspberry Award on the scene for his character,leaving an indelible mark on the annals of history.

However, since then, Hugo has embarked on a very different path, opened his enough to be included in the annals of life. His name is destined to become music history and film history, the most shining of a sign. Rock and roll in 1993, the film masterpiece gathered in 1994, Hugo – Lancaster’s name, impressively became one of the members can not be ignored.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
I’m in Hollywood (1)
I’m Really a Superstar (1)
Perfect Superstar (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Mix of Random Tags
  2. Alternative History Fiction Novel
  3. showbiz(kpop, Hollywood,idols)
  4. To the not too distant past

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7 Reviews sorted by

zefzork rated it
January 12, 2024
Status: Completed
It's okay but not that great. There are a lot of unnecessary paragraphs in EVERY chapter which reduces the fun of the novel. It's probably to increase the word count to reach a quota or something. Also, a lot of characters in the background that the MC needs to take care of. The story is promising with a more realistic approach of an MC trying to navigate in a new body and identity but ruined by a lot of skippable explanations.
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Mariad rated it
November 13, 2022
Status: Completed
It is a very good story. I think it is the story closest to reality in the world of entertainment because it shows how the protagonist is going through difficulties and is going to overcome it. It is a very good story to one that also shows that the writing has investigated a lot but It's the bad thing that the writing describes everything and when I say everything, it's everything, it can last about 10 chapters explaining what happened and it's very oppressive and at times boring that skipping... more>> all that, the story is very good.

The love relationships that the protagonist has are also good and I like them, but they also develop very slowly and that makes you stress and lose interest.

I recommend this to people who like Hollywood Isekai stories and who have a lot of patience. <<less
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peachtoplease rated it
September 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Very slow paced with the realistic hollywood setting plus super duper talent mc!

I read 2 works of this writer, one is the greatest showman and second is this. Her style is always slow paced slice of life till MC get his highest acheivement, so if you want something fast-paced, blood-boiled or intense plot THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.

Personally I love it as MC is incredibly good in all aspects (but I do adore Renly Hall from TGS more tho). The good point of long and slow story is every characters... more>> have their own background. ML and FL family situation amazed me as It’s always deeply rooted in them. I admit It’s kinda cliché as you seen many hollywood names in it especially Leo one (yah I can’t help but thinking bout his 25 rule :P)

The downcast about this - still about how slow it is especially how writer obsessed with numerous statistics e.g. box office history, album sales etc. It’ll be better if she briefly mention but this statistic content occupied around 5 episodes lol I skip it every time... <<less
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NovelsAreLife rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm shocked that this novel has such a low score. Compared to 95% of novels with this theme (this type of novels are very rare), this novel can be considered a rare gem. At least this author took the time to actually do his research in that era and actually tried to flesh out the characters with realistic personalities and wrote in detail about the MC's career. Most of the novels with the Hollywood theme are Garystu womanizing scumbags with r*pey and even pe*ophiliac behavior with zero meaningful plot, where... more>> the MC is the only one with an average IQ and the rest were horrifically dumbed down.

What I like about this novel is that Hugo is actually likeable and while not being a womanizing scumbag, he is also not a blushing virg*n. I'm giving this 5 stars to combat this novel's low score. <<less
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MichaelE rated it
December 31, 2021
Status: Completed
Superstar for the most part is an enjoyable read. It's definitely a few notches better than the novel "I am Hollywood". I like the showbiz/hollywood genre in light novels. Typically the genre involves someone getting transmigrated to a new body but also travelling back in time or getting reborn and second chance to redo their life. Using their knowledge of the future, they change their life or at least give them an advantage. I like this genre because I love movies and I like the fantasy of getting a second... more>> chance to do things again in life and get to make movies. It's pure wish fulfillment. And because of that, I'm not as strict about the flaws.

Superstar is a story about a rock musician from China who dies and gets transmigrated to the body of a Caucasian American actor in Hollywood. It follows his life from his adjustment of being transmigrated to facing the challenges of being an actor in Hollywood. We get to see the conflict between art and commerce, the dark side of Hollywood, the lengths people will do just to be famous or to suppress their competition, and how manipulative and selfish people can be. But it also shows the goodness of people in the face of the nastiness of the world, the beauty of friendship and family, the determination and dedication to be true to yourself and pursue your passions, and the rewarding feeling of hard work in improving yourself.

The positive about "Superstar" is the main character is a good person. He is someone who only wants to follow his dreams and passions. But he's not the kind of person who will manipulate or trample people. Another positive thing is the MC always faces challenges and difficulties. He's a good person in a world that being good may not be a good thing. But even though he's good, he's not naïve. Also just because he has knowledge of the future doesn't make him invincible. His knowledge about the future serves more as a way that gives him peace of mind and confidence when making decisions in his career. But for the most part, he had to think and work hard to overcome those challenges. And because of that, it makes his story interesting. Yes, it still meets the wish fulfillment aspect but you are also engaged by how he overcomes those challenges.

There are also elements in the story that increases your knowledge and wisdom. For example elements about acting and filmmaking, the author goes in depth about acting techniques. You also get to learn about human nature and what to do if you're faced in those situations.

But there is one flaw in the novel that is hard to disregard. In fact it becomes the biggest detriment of the novel. The author (Qiqijia d Mao Mao) tends to fill the writing with encyclopedic explanations. In fact I describe the novel as two sections, one is the main story and the other is the explanations. I'm not talking about simple explanations but in depth historical background of that person or event. There are even sections that makes you feel like you're reading a textbook or a financial report. I would speculate that the author writes those sections to fill or increase the word count. The problem is it takes away from the momentum of the story or the emotions that we're building up.

There are paragraphs that are talking about statistics! To make it worse is that the author writes those elements, like explanations and statistics, to add conflict. For example, MC makes a movie or an album, it gets released, and then author goes into the box office or record sales and makes a comparison with his competitors or how the success of MC's movie or album defeats or embarrasses his haters. It becomes a pattern throughout the novel.

Another pattern is after the MC's movie or album is released, we get chapters of film critics or music critics saying either positive or negative things about his works. There has to be a better way to make the conflict between the MC and antagonists interesting other than making box office comparisons or reviews from critics. This made me end up skipping chapters or I skim through the chapters just to move past these sections.

The positive things about "Superstar" is the human elements in the story. How the MC interacts with the people around him, both during work and outside work. The story is not just about the MC making movies or an album but it's a slice of life novel. So it can be boring when it's just the MC hanging out with his friend or friends but it makes the world interesting. Like I said before, it's wish fulfillment.

After I read "Superstar" I also read Qiqijia d Mao Mao's other works and I found that he tends to repeat the style of storytelling - MC makes a movie or album, gets in depth about the making of the movie or album, MC faces haters or competitors wanting to stop him from getting the role or want him to fail, the movie or album is released, statistics and comparisons are presented to show that MC's movie or album succeeds, haters and competitors gets hurt by MC's success, along the way there are lengthy explanations about the background of something.

That is something to keep in mind if you read Superstar or the author's other works. As much as the wish fulfillment aspect is fun, when the author gets into statistics and financial analysis, and encyclopedic explanations that you're not interested in wanting to know, reading his novel then becomes tiring. I guess the bright side, the MC is not a s*x addict and an a**hole. He's actually someone you want to be friends with if you get to meet him in real life.

Overall, I rate Superstar 3 stars. Total chapters of novel is 2, 182. <<less
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WhiteMamba rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: Completed
I read the MTL, and if possible want to translate it if somebody knew how to do it.

Really love it, but too much explanation and slow development, lot of unnecesary plot that can be skipped. But overall love the detailed character relationship.

One more, I really love the heroine. They are lover at first but became ambigue friend and now ready for further relationship but the novel ended. The trajectory of heroine is drasticly changed from the real world and the "South African Iceberg" become "South African Sunshine" in this novel

Lol... more>> adios konichiwa <<less
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madghost rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: C1157
[Edit:- it's a shame of literature to even call this thing a novel. It's not the the story of Hugo Lancaster, Its a professors class dairy for the Hugo Lancaster story. It's a f*cking report book.]

When I first started to read this I questioned why no one is translating this novel.

But after reading this far I got the answer.

The author has a thing for explaining stuff, so much that it gets side tracked for 2-10 chapters everytime this happens. At first couple hundred chapter it feels ok because it deepens... more>> the caracter.

But as I continue to read it becomes a torture for me. Of the 800chapter I read at least 150 chapters are completely explanations. There is no relation with the story with these chapters.

I dont know why but there are some point where we are told about some song, person or a company and the author felt the need to explain about it for 10 chapter. Mind you those 10 straight chapter has no relation with caracter development or the plot whatsoever.

Then there maybe around 100 or more chapters where the author feels we need to know what newspapers wrote for 10 chapters straight.

Then there are chapters where characters are talks one or two sentence and the rest are explanations that continues for 2-3 chapter.

Honestly the main reason I was reading this novel was because the caracter details and the interactions between them are really great in this one. The author has the talent for this. The overall plot and story of this novel is a plus too.

But the author ditched the both good quality's of this novel around 750 chapter. At least there were some plot and dialogue between characters before that and the exposition chapters were skippable.

After chapter 750s the author just gave up trying. It's just straight exposition chapters.

For convenience this chart

For ch1 - ch700 = 40%plot + character development, 40%complete explanation chapter, 20% both with explanation majority.

After ch700 = 1%plot +character development, 99% utter bullsh*t explanation in every chapter.

I have confidence that once those useless explanations are reduced this over 2000 chapter novel will not get over 500 chapter.

I haven't read a novel that wanted me to question what the author is thinking as much as this novel after skipping 10 straight chapters of bullsh*t explanation multiple time.

But nonetheless this one will be a torture for the readers. <<less
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