Sun God Marvel


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Introduction to the Glory of the Sun God.

A life with the power of the sun, through the story of the world of Marvel.

The sun in mythology is the great existence that controls the alternating of time series, the growth of all things, the restraint of all dark evils, the master of light and flame.

The sun in reality is a member of the star. The greatest celestial body in the universe. It is the ultimate existence of magnetic attraction.

What happens when these forces are concentrated on one person.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sun God of Marvel
Related Series
Heroes of Marvel (1)
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Stand User in Marvel Universe (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Super Heroes

Latest Release

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Xuanyu rated it
February 29, 2020
Status: --
Has little to do with marvel comic, besides the more well know heroes and x men mutants who are present.

None of their power are the same, everything changed to become 1000 times stronger so that the MC does not seems so overpowered. Destroyer the automaton of asgard became an armor made by all of earths ancient gods having having budhist powers and power of zues and thousand of gods. Just the armor is more powerfull than all original heroes and villains combined. The armor has same power as the reality... more>> gem and thunder and lightning.

And a single punch from MC can desintegrate the planet. Resident evil is a thing Underworld vampires and ancient gods are hidden all over the world.

MC knows everyone but for some reason forgot everything that will happen thus knowing nothing of the plot of each story. In a single fight every attack destroyed a complete solar-system. <<less
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