Summoned by the Heretics – Even in Another World, the Zealot Who Worships Death Remains an Outcast


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The strongest zealot who worships death! He begins his reign of terror and evangelism, even in another world!

Keisei Sugui, a youth who devoutly worships death—known as Sukui by his peers—receives what he had long awaited: death. However, at the very moment of his anticipated demise, he is summoned to another world. The woman who summoned him gave him just one mission: “Live as you please.”

Though he appears to be a calm young man, in reality, he is the most formidable serial killer.

Even in another world, just by living his life normally, he wreaks havoc upon it.

With his cheat-level killing abilities from his previous life and the most powerful magic granted to him in this new world, Sukui effortlessly adheres to his own beliefs. His days are filled with endless battles against enemies and monsters who cross his path. Before long, merchants selling knives, a busty dark-skinned guild clerk, a skilled adventurer with a nurturing side, and even a noble lady with questionable hobbies can’t take their eyes off him.

Yet, oblivious to their attention, Sukui continues to throw himself into battle day after day. And today, as always, he saves a dying s*ave girl, enjoys a relaxing cup of tea with her, and… well, the story continues.

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邪教徒召喚 ー死を信奉する狂信者は異世界に来てもやっぱり異端ー
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