Suddenly Became a Boy – What Should I Do?


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Lin Xin wakes up overnight to find herself transformed from a female college student into a male college student. The senior she secretly admired suddenly starts taking an interest in her, while the senior’s rumored girlfriend also unexpectedly shows up…

However, instead of being s**ked into a vortex of romantic drama, Lin Xin finds herself worrying about her “little mushroom” acting up every time she catches sight of the girlfriend’s enticing curves.

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  1. Romance - Drama - Slice of life - Adult (On-Going)

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2 Reviews

YunHai Laohu
New YunHai Laohu
Jan 05, 2025
Status: c22
It's funny and a nice change from the male-to-female genderbending that is more popular.

As of chapter 22, ... more>>

Other than her roommate, no one else know she became a he.

Since her crush already has a girlfriend she just watches from afar and tries to see him when she can, but she never asked him out or behaved inappropriately.

She learned that gu nian, her crush is a scumbag who had "nightly fun" with other girls while going out with another.

Not only a scumbag, Gu nian knew she loved him and used that to have her help him out in participating in a dance with other people for the school festival. She (at that time, he) danced ballet with a troupe. That guy wasn't involved either. After the dance, Gu nian went with his girlfriend to show off and implicitly tell Lin Xin (mc) that he already had a girlfriend.

Before actually falling in love with the man's now ex-girlfriend, she did find her quite beautiful and wanted to be with her more frequently, but as she is hiding the fact she's now male, nothing has happened towards the romance.


Well it's good. Better than at least 90% of genderbending overused trope tr*sh novels. It's a fresh (for me) perspective on the genre. The only other ftm genderbending i've read was half-prince, years ago and it wasn't even a true genderbending novel.

It's not a masterpiece either, but doesn't deserve 1 star out of 5. I would've given it 3.5 stars out of five


2 being bad, 3 being average and 4 being good, 5 being a masterpiece


The one thing I found annoying is the translation. It isn't quite refined as much as it should. Names are misused a few times or changed one time. One part is repeated at the beginning of the following chapter, sometimes it feels like a piece is missing between chapters. But, it's not too disturbing. You can read through and still understand and enjoy the novel. <<less
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New SluggishRead
Jan 04, 2025
Status: --
The MC is delusional, the guy s (he) likes have a Gf already but s (h) e she still daydreams of getting him. I though she will have a character development after getting used to her new gender but no! She got worsen. She found her ex-crush GF beautiful and DM her (In flirtious way).

MC should not be acting like a homewreker the dude she got crush on, used her on student council. She got what she deserved

The translator is ok

In short this story is tr*sh.
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