Succeed, or Fall into Depravity as a Witch!


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Successfully invited to the debaucherous Joyous Union Sect with its super-low entry requirements and countless beautiful female disciples, Jiangming thought that the springtime of his life will soon come!

However, as he confirmed joining the sect proper, his martial senior brother told him the devastating fine print that shook his heavens.

As the applicants’ gender ratio is extremely skewed every year, with an excess of male cultivators, all the men who failed the yearly sect exams will be transformed into women, serving as next term’s junior sisters!

According to authoritative statistics, the percentage of these new junior sisters falling into carnal depravity was up to ninety-nine percent!

The Joyous Union witches were known worldwide for their beauty, each a soft flower akin to a brocade. How many amongst those delicate charming lasses were originally strapping young lads?

In order to avoid becoming the next ‘delicate charming lass’ himself, Jiangming would do anything, including practicing despicable artes, setting up his martial sisters, leading on his senior brothers……However, he eventually realised the dangers hidden in the sect were even worse than previously thought.

Deep dark ♂ duels that forced the loser to transform and fall in love with the winner.

Heavenly Tribulation that polymorphed you into a succubus if you failed to resist.

Hidden techniques to assassinate your c*ckerel.


Jiangming: “Yet another day of hoping to betray the sect, sigh.”

Others: “Sect Master, did you say something?”

Jiangming: “Tch~”

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