Striving for Science


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A passerby asked Shen Chang’an: Are you afraid of supernatural events?

Shen Chang’an: Not afraid.

Shocked passerby: Why?

Shen Chang’an: Because I have never encountered it before.

The passerby was silent for a long time and spoke again: Are you afraid of ghosts?

Shen Chang’an: Not afraid, as young people in the new century, we have to believe in science, and science is the primary productive force for development. Can ghosts invent or create a good life for everyone?

Passerby: …

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Phấn Đấu Vì Khoa Học
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10 Reviews sorted by

June 14, 2020
Status: Completed
Love it! Such a simple story. Not too much of conflicts. MC is a carefree person who does not believe in superstitious thingy but start to experience them when he was transferred to a remote area. MC is very funny a bit of thick faced sometimes after falling in love later on. He is also little bit slow on romance. I love the part when the ML sends many bouquet of 99 roses and the MC sends back a bouque friendship flowers and the nearby flowerist inner monologue "how cruel".... more>> ML is a typical cold guy but later on become passionate aboit MC.

Its a fun read. Give it a try. <<less
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ActualTrash rated it
May 27, 2020
Status: Completed
I liked this one quite a bit, but I might be a bit biased, as I like the mix of supernatural/modern day a lot.

There's a few novels like this, wherein a MC that believes in only science comes across things that can't be explained by science. This one breaks that worldview of his relatively quickly, but his understanding of who/what the ML is takes a bit longer than other novels.

If you've read this type of novel before, and liked it, you'd probably still enjoy this? The romance is a slow... more>> burn, with both the MC and ML hesitating on the cusp of a relationship for quite a few chapters, both for different reasons. When they finally get together though it's great, as I found them quite good together.

I'd say it's quite fluffy, although the MC does have some angst in his past. The characters around the MC/ML are good/fun too.

The novel's main failing is in it's big bad antagonist. Novels like this usually have a baddie lurking in the background, and this one does, but it's pretty insignificant overall. Due to this... anti-climatic climax, I'm going to rate it a 4 overall. <<less
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ShadowAccio6181 rated it
May 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Very sweet. I MTL-ed the entire thing. It's well-written, the plot doesn't feel particularly slow. There were some misunderstandings in the romance and the development of the relationship that could have easily been solved with communication (and probably a bit more trust), but they made sense. And there was a pretty excellent, like textbook use of Chekov's gun that I'll leave to you to figure out. And speaking of that... everything worked out. The plotholes were filled, foreshadowings came through...

This author is a great writer, and I think this is... more>> just another example of that. (Also, check out the other works if you haven't already.) <<less
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Bunga Kantan
Bunga Kantan rated it
April 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Love it! It's a cute and relaxing story. A story to be read by those looking for a change of pace–to slow down.

As with every other works by this author, this story radiates positive energy. It's a love story about Dao, literally.

The MC is really not simple while the ML simply takes the cake for being the laziest ML ever in the history of danmei and it's hilarious. 🤣 He sits on a wheelchair and refuses to talk all because... he is lazy.
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rhianirory rated it
July 11, 2020
Status: Completed
this is a fun little story with lots of supernatural elements and both touching and funny moments. I got a little frustrated with how long it took the MC and ML to figure things out, but I knew it was a slow burn going into the story so I persevered. Also, this is the fifth book I've read by this author and I love that their MCs are almost always down to earth and practical with a normal IQ.
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January 9, 2021
Status: Completed
I was a bit lost when I finished reading this novel, even though it was my second time reading it. Anyway, recommended novel for supernatural-bl-novel-enthusiasts! Both MC and ML are just a perfect couple. What I appreciate in this novel is that the other side characters are well designed, that I couldn't treat them as mere background of MC and ML. Though I felt a bit sorry for the villain for his lack of presence, other side characters have more words written for them. There's suspense element in almost every... more>> chapter, that will make you experience a wide variety of emotions. Some side characters who I didn't think are important turns out to have more screen time than those who I thought was important. I was expecting there will be extras written at the end, but sadly there's no. The romance is slow, but the interaction and cohabitation of MC and ML starts early.

P/s: I want more of baby phoenix! <<less
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wicked01 rated it
August 29, 2020
Status: Completed
I loved it. It was a very heartwarming story with such a cute sense of humor. Able to weave existential questions in a light-hearted narrative. The main and supporting characters are super cute, and I love how supporting they were of each other. Lots of foreshadowing, too, that will all bear fruit in the end. When my Chinese improves some more, I'd like to take w crack at translating this story, because it's one I'd like to re-read again and again.
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gegehehe8686 rated it
November 30, 2023
Status: c21
I really like it. The MC is super strong against supernatural stuff but doesn't believe in it at all, so he effortlessly defeats ghosts and treats them like common scoundrels.

It gives me the same sort of vibes as those stories about transmigrators who become the strongest but don't know it and think they're just an ordinary person. I really like those kind of stories. :)
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Fisukisuki rated it
December 13, 2024
Status: c40 part2
Surprisingly Complex and Full of Mystery. It's Comedic and yet also Mysterious. It gave me complex feelings. But it's the Good kind so far.

I'm glad the author didn't drag with the plot of MC didn't believe in Ghost existence. MC start to know about Supernatural stuff, but still easy going and still as caring and thoughtful.

It's just funny and a bit sad with how MC can't tell ML that he know about Supernatural stuff even though ML probably already know. They just still in early stage of Very Close but... more>> not yet too intimate. Awww...

Love all the side Character so far. And no real villain (yet?).

I just pray it has good conclusion and Satisfying clear ending. I believe in the author! ✊✨ <<less
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Regra rated it
November 1, 2020
Status: ct==
This is such a good story! Recommending recommending recommending!!!

Its a pity that the translation stopped... The MC is really cute and you rarely read about a lazy ML like this who is adorable as hell.

To know how good this story is it should be translated at least to the 15th chapter after that you can juat MTL all the way to the end.
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