Stop Hypnotizing Me, Villainous Princess!


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After transmigrating to another world, Lynn’s journey begins with being kidnapped. The culprit? The villainous princess from the original story, who plans to use him for hypnosis experiments to gain control over him.

At the critical moment, Lynn has a stroke of genius—he fakes the success of her experiment and uses his acting skills to deceive her. But this is only a temporary fix, as the original story foretells a tragic ending for her and everyone around her.

Thus begins Lynn’s double life: outwardly pretending to be under hypnosis, while secretly preparing to escape at any moment.

However, things soon take an unexpected turn…

Excerpts from “Princess’s Diary”:

“The experiment succeeded!”

“As the only successful subject, I’ve decided to keep him by my side.”

“The curse mark on my face makes me hideous in the eyes of others, but he told me I’m beautiful.”

“I’m happy because what people say under hypnosis is their true feelings.”

“When we were alone, on a whim, I kissed him.”

“The feeling was strange and made me lose composure, but fortunately, he won’t retain the memory after the hypnosis wears off.”

“So, it’s fine to be a little bolder, right?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Stop Hypnotizing Me, Antagonist Princess!
Related Series
1 Second Invincibility in the Game (1)
Correcting the Villainess of the Academy (1)
Fated to Be Loved by Villains (1)
Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. The Definitive Yandere Collection
  2. Yandere
  3. Who is the Villain?
  4. stuff i liked a lot
  5. Novels I read daily on updates

Latest Release

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02/08/25 BOTI Translation c179
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13 Reviews sorted by

New Andou67 rated it
February 4, 2025
Status: c146
At this point in the story, you can consider the synopsis non-cannon. I don't think the actual story ever mentioned anything about the princess having a diary. The initial 80 chapters were well written, and the protagonist was clever and solved problems thrown at him in intuitive ways. But you can tell the point where the author had no idea where to take the story next.

... more>>

The story starts to fall apart after Lynn's (MC) realization that the artifact Yveste (Villanous Princess) is trying to contain is actually a rank 0 artifact (potentially world-ending and highly dangerous). Before, the author would've written a clever solution to the seemingly unsolvable problem, but it seems like the author wrote himself into a corner with this one because the solution Lynn comes up with is so s*upid.

Lynn decides the best way to deal with the archdemon sealed inside the rank 0 artifact is to trap it inside his own body, then summons another archdemon so they can fight each other inside his body. While they are fighting in his body, the author emphasizes how much grueling and ungodly pain Lynn is in right now. The second part of his plan is to use a skill he has that stores pains he's experienced and reflects it at his opponent at 2x the power at the 2 demons. Which are currently in his mind. Let me say that again. He uses the pain reflection skill on enemies that are inside of him.

In this novel, these 2 archdemons are considered mid/low-tier gods that are beyond mortal comprehension, albeit both are in a weakened state. Lynns knows his pain reflection skill won't be as effective on them. So before the fight, Lynn decides to sit on a chair that causes pain so intense it mind-breaks normal people in 3 seconds to store up as much pain as possible for the skill. While in the chair, he experiences the equivalent of 1, 000 deaths.

Mind you, he is doing all this while being essentially a regular guy. No pain tolerance skill, no mind reinforcement skill, no nothing. It's just pure willpower and plot armor. In the story, he is considered the weakest of the weak, relying on his quick wit to outsmart his opponents. I could've maybe let this entire plan slide, if only the story properly built up to it, with Lynn building up his pain tolerance over the course of the story leading up to this moment, but it didn't. The only other time Lynn experienced pain was when he was getting beat up by Rhine in chapter 5. Going from an interrogation beat-down to gods ripping your body apart with no in-between is so absurd. It's like going from fighting a coughing baby to fighting the sun.

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New SoRa___ rated it
January 29, 2025
Status: c233
agree with some other reviews, its falling off. As of right now, it could still save itself if it makes some sharp turns but I'm not sure if it will.

complaint wall of text for mostly the arcs after ~ch120

... more>>

his memory lock was disappointing and while I did really like the idea of a yandere being posessive/fighting over herself, the future one does next to nothing with the advantage she bought herself, only getting cucked by herself as if she doesn't herself enough to know how she'd act. Shes also just a non character in general, much more than earlier.

her trial of cucking the hero was a s*upid story decision. Not only is it tragic to read, as a short term goal its too far fetched to keep things interesting. Theres a lot of characters and plot threads being sidelined so the story can play out a classic "save the girl while acting cool and make her fall in love" arc, adding another super dependent and devoted character while the MC can't handle the first 1 (2).

the MC has also just been getting into deeper and deeper sh*t back to back for way too many chapters with no break. I really cant see how he gets out off his current meta situation without an asspull.

his durability is practically infinite. He can tank literally anything as the plot requires. He'll always be at the verge of death holding on through sheer willpower fighting against beings that are supposed to have an immeasurable power gap as if his body has no actual limit as long as he can take the pain (he always can, and always maintains high level cognition through it).

also some of the plot changes with the 100k years future feel like they're there because of convenience. I'm not sure if the author can manage to explain it in a way that isn't just a happy plot hole.


I'll still read to see the end of the arc at least and see how things are resolved, hopefully with some proper character interactions afterwards. Not holding out much hope on continuing after that but will update if it picks itself up afterwards. <<less
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hellotherek rated it
December 5, 2024
Status: c130
Genuinely pretty decent. Probably 4.3 -4.4 on the novel updates scale. Story takes time to build up the main FMC and her dynamic so it ends up being pretty interesting. It’s a pretty great Yandere plot line. MC has to resort to tricks and niche powers for the most part so there is decent gambits and schemes rather than power wank for most of his conflicts.

A lot of his success is kinda “wacky schemes manage to perfectly work out” but in general I think the story does a good job... more>> at portraying a cunning, ruthless MC. His deductions are especially well represented, MC usually has a pretty reasonable chain of logic behind any non obvious piece of information he figures out.

The best part of the story is definitely the character dynamics tho, the schemes are more a secondary component.


Best part of the story is the dynamic between the witch of the end and the FMC. The witch is the ascended version of the FMC in the far flung future. Due to timey wimey nonsense the MC’s actions ripple to the future allowing his actions to change both his relationship with the FMC and the witch. But the two versions of FMC f*cking hate each other and are unwilling to share the MC. And this isn’t like petty jealousy these mfs are fuming, fighting and scheming over the fact that the MC might like a different version of them. It might be the craziest bit*h behavior I’ve seen in a Yandere story. Fighting yourself is such a peak Yandere concept that reading this made me want more dynamics like it.

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SpHyNx rated it
December 17, 2024
Status: c45
Genuinely one of the better written chinese novels out there. It doesn’t even feel like a typical “chinese” book at all. The main character is well written and is easy to like, which is a big plus these days. The FMC is also great and enjoyable, and i’m enjoying the dynamics between them.

The world so far seems interesting. ‘Almost’ a mixture of LOTM I’d say with SCPs called relics and faiths from the church. Though no sign of corruption and whatnot. The MC uses his brain to solve his problems... more>> and is ‘badass’ with the way he goes about it.

So yes, overall definitely a recommended read so far. <<less
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Cactiii rated it
January 18, 2025
Status: c165
To be honest the book has disappointed me with the direction that it is going in right now... I would say its more personal preference than the quality of the story so I'm still giving it a good rating but for me I think the book peaked around chapter 100 and then it just started to go downhill.

... more>>

I normally hate yandere types, especially when the author has multiple and they fight over an oblivious protagonist, but at least at the beginning while the dynamic between the princess and MC wasn't healthy it felt fresh and interesting.

I liked their relationship when he actively gave up his chance to run away to help her, and I think the story was at its best when he saved her. The book did a really good job of setting her up to be a villain character, yet gives her a sympathetic background and writes in a way that still keeps her within the range of a likeable character.

With this all being said, I think the book went downhill from here... Their relationship was instantly reset with the witch locking his memories but I continued thinking it was a necessary step towards her seeing him as an actual person.

Then it starts going into the past and future self of the princess starting to fight over him. It started to go down the path that I always hate, but it still felt different with the dynamic of them being the same person but its still just feels annoying that the build up from the first Arc just evaporated into a cat fight where the poor male lead is stuck in the middle.

While all of that is going on, the author has started going down the Harem route which I'm just really tired of. The witch commands him to gain the trust of the 4 original heroines and plant a mind control thing, so he started to seduce one of them. Its probably just because of how tired I am of worthless harems that never go anywhere because its so rare for a story to actually progress past the beginning phase of a harem but its just so annoying that its going down this route. It's then further amplified by the inherent disgust that comes with the ML seducing the girl by tricking and deceiving her while being incredibly manipulative.

Then on top of all of this the author is adding so many weird fetish things into this... There was already the weird dynamic with the ML and the princess but there is just so many things... The book is setting it up where his sister will most likely be in love with him, and whenever she gets excited thinking about him she pees herself. All of these little weird fetish things added for seemingly no reason is just one more thing I dislike.

Overall the story isn't bad but its just gone in a direction that I really don't like. I'm sure that if these things don't bother you then its probably an enjoyable read but for me I think I'm just really tired of harem, and I've always disliked yandere so I think the book is just not for me.

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Hypereatereader01 rated it
January 25, 2025
Status: c231
I came here for the Yanderes and f*mdom potential and left satisfy.

Beneath the Yandere sadism and f*mdom that I lilke. Main actions in this novel is the scheming, strategy and mental gymnastic, mix from some battles here and there. The ML doesn't fight physically much beside just having a lot of endurance and coming up with mad strategy to overcome challenges. In any case, I always like well written cunning ML. One disappointment I have with this novel is the FL rarely shown to be competent or succeed at accomplishing anything worthwhile. I understand this makes the FL to be dependent on ML to solve their problems so he can look cool and admire by people. But having the FL assisting the ML in a meaningful way can help promotes FL characters more instead of just being damsel-in-distress because, most of the time, ML just goes do his own thing and save the day.

The writing mainly dwells in characters reasoning and strain of thoughts behind their actions and plans. It flows well and makes 'sense' most of time.

On the topic of romance. This feels like it is going down the Harem route but in a way that I don't dislike because the FL characters are written well if I ignore my previous disappointment. I'm curious how the author will makes them interact with each other because as of now there is only 2 FLs being well connected with ML with the third person beginning to develop soon.


Another questionable dislike here is the borderline NTR? Because the ML is seducing FL that was previous interested in protagonist of the world. But I give it a pass since ML didn't do it out of melicious intent and is only doing so to fulfil a goal but genuinely fall back later on.

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Nioninja rated it
January 8, 2025
Status: c219
Basically caught up with the raws and honestly. The story is fine frankly more worth a 3 or even 4 star review rating but I'm bumping it down because the author exhausts me. It was really fun and even kinda sweet for the first 100 chapters but after ... more>>

she starts competing with herself from the future

the romance just gets more and more twisted and arbitrary.

The MC is fantastic and worth reading about the novel alone and if you're looking JUST for Yandere shenanigans and not a progressing relationship that won't backpedal because the author deems a few hundred chapters isn't enough for them to be more honest and less twisted you'll probably find a 5 star book. Just for me I was really enjoying it but the enjoyment started to break down after that. That's not even mentioning just how f*cked up the scenario really is. The MC is literally the definition of Stockholm syndrome. This isn't even mentioning the quest the FMC puts them up to.

specifically the future one in which he's supposed to seduce then mind control the female leads from the main book. Don't get me wrong I know there's a reason for it and stuff but still changing his memories so that he's more devoted to you is just f*cked up. I accepted it at first because it did actually help him escape her being overprotective but still.

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Leinyl rated it
January 25, 2025
Status: c234
Incredible series especially for those who likes Yandere.

The MC is the best part of the novel, his out of the box and unconventional means surprise me several times throughout the novel and it helps that he seems like a rational crazy person. He is weak (compared to the important characters in the story) so he has to rely on his wit to survive and get the upper hand against even godly beings. But the most important thing is he is not dense or spineless, he knows when to get... more>> angry at the Yandere princess when she is being s*upid instead of just being scared of her power.

Another thing I like about here is that the heroine doesn't instantly fall in love (as opposed to what the sypnosis mentions). After all, the Yandere princess had to (fake) brainwash MC and even curse him with tracking magic which will instantly kill him if she wishes to just to trust him a little bit at the start.

The progression in how an original heroine also fell in love with the MC (through countless deceptions and some genuine feelings) is also done well

. The world is also interesting, artifacts exists which each have their own rules to utilize them and can cause some serious consequences handled incorrectly (kind of like the items in Lord of the Mysteries). Then there is the belief system which is the main source of power of the characters depending on the gods they worship, with a few exceptions like the Yandere princess. Character interactions are also entertaining, especially the rivalry between the Yandere princess and her future self. They hate each other so bad that they actually fought each other with the determination to kill the other. The present self even contemplated committing su*cide just to screw over her future self.

Currently it is a 10/10 for me and I hope the author handles how he adds future harem members (it is practically inevitable that it becomes a harem at the current chapters) and future developments against the original MC and the 100, 000 year versions of the characters.

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candyyy2001 rated it
January 13, 2025
Status: c219
First 120 chapters been bangers back to back. But it seems to be falling off little by little since then.

The chemistry between MC and main heroine is quite enjoyable.

The pacing is good.

If you ever found passive MC in similar titles a pain to read then this MC is the total opposite of that. He is very cunning, quick to act and trying to be as active as possible. But then it becomes another problem and he is trying to shoulder too much, and not letting his teammates help any bit,... more>> which is as annoying as the former. <<less
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plasmasparrow rated it
January 7, 2025
Status: c199
The summary does a good yet flawed job of describing the story. I was drawn in, thinking this would be one of those "slowly make the villainess mine" type of novels. Don't get me wrong—there's definitely an element of that (though unintentional). However, the main draw, and what keeps me coming back chapter after chapter, is how well-written the MC is.

Often, in these types of "win over the villainess" novels, the MC is portrayed as a virtuous, albeit dense, beacon of light. But not here. Our MC is cunning and... more>> extremely shrewd, which makes him mesh even better with the female lead. There's no pretense of trying to reform the villain; instead, it's just two villains screwing over everyone else around them—and it's a joy to watch. Both leads complement each other exceptionally well, covering for each other's weaknesses, and the push-and-pull dynamic between them is incredibly entertaining.

Outside of the main leads, the other characters are fine in their own right and don't take too much focus away from the protagonists. The setting itself is interesting, albeit a bit dense. Hopefully, the author can flesh it out and spread it across the story as it progresses. That said, the objectives and end goals have been clearly set, which provides guidance for the overall narrative and should prevent it from becoming a convoluted mess.

TL;DR: A good story with an especially compelling MC and female lead. <<less
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mirzakeehl rated it
December 30, 2024
Status: c71
Very well written so far with little to none of the usual korean novels tropes.

Smart MC that faces his tribulations with intellect and wits, and the FMC slowly but surely starting to be honest of her yandere attitude towards the MC.

Really interesting read, curious how it'll develop.
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echonefarious rated it
December 28, 2024
Status: c213
A yandere competing with her future self is such an interesting concept. Maybe it's a new trend but I don't think I've ever seen it before; makes you wonder who to root for lol

Could be the setting but this novel feels fleshed out, like every character has something to contribute to the story and they aren't all 1 dimensional cardboard cutouts and conflicts aren't solved in a straightforward face-slapping manner but through interesting schemes and brilliant usage of main character's incredibly niche abilities.

I also like how hypnosis isn't an... more>> overused plot device. It is only used every so often to help bring the relationship between FMC and MC closer.

Update at 213:

Peak fiction. I love the story between MC and Tia. <<less
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OrokaneBaka rated it
January 24, 2025
Status: c222

Amazing. Definitely worth a read.

TL quality is nice 4.5/5.

le*dness 5/5 f*mdom is the *Best*. MC's masochism & FL's sadism is super hot & nice. The erotica writing is amazing

The story setup is nice too. 3.5/5

character consistency is a bit weird. 2/5
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