Starting a Hospital


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Li Fufeng, with a hospital city management game system in tow, finds herself transported to a post-apocalyptic world twisted by pollution and corruption. Everything has mutated, and the surviving people have grown tent**les and scales, resembling monsters more than monsters themselves. Life has become a living hell, with no hope in sight.

Thankfully, Li Fufeng has arrived.

The doctors in her hospital can remove the pollution, excise the mutated parts, and heal twisted bodies. They can even regrow missing limbs and, believe it or not, even lost heads!

But that’s not all. The hospital also has clean farms, ranches, and clothing stores, along with magical houses that upgrade and expand on their own. There’s even an insanely cool bike that can climb trees and dance!

All these are clean resources that are absolutely unheard of in this polluted world.

As the hospital continues to upgrade, connecting to the sea, laying pipelines for fresh water, and building an entertainment city, birds, beasts, flowers, and plants start to flourish again. More and more cities connect to the hospital, reclaiming polluted lands and bringing normalcy and hope to the patients.

Li Fufeng soon realizes that she has ended up saving this already dead world, becoming the eternal deity in the hearts of the survivors who were about to lose all hope.

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