Star-Slaying Swordsman


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“…I want to slay the stars.”

Julius, an ordinary villager, had a strange dream on the night of his eighth birthday—he dreamt about the life of a certain swordsman. Hoping to one day slay the twinkling stars in the night sky, the boy simply continued to swing a piece of stick, following in the footsteps of the swordsman who persevered in wielding his sword to the point of foolishness.

Several years later, he encounters and fights a monster outside his village, finally awakening a deep, profound feeling inside of him.

This is the story of a powerless boy who, through hard training and sheer discipline, goes beyond “absurdity” and “recklessness” to make even the impossible become possible.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hoshi Kiri no Kenshi
Star Slashing Swordsman
Related Series
Previous Life was Sword Emperor. This Life is Trash Prince. (1)
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rsn243 rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: --

So this is my review as the translator for this novel.

It has been on top of the rankings list in Syosetu (pretty popular JP WN site) for a while now and I who was yet to read it was curious to see what made it so popular.

... more>> Well, to summarise in few words, It didn't disappoint.

Actually it was nothing short of amazing.

So the synopsis is in itself quite unique and the plot is as well.

We have a classic swords and magic fantasy setting with none of the usual cringy isekai tropes that wear on you (sure there are the occasional stuff here and there but charas are realistic) . The MC quite refreshingly uses his mind and has a mature mindset for the most part.

What makes it interesting is his devotion to Kendo (Sword Way) something which you usually expect in a Eastern Fantasy setting yet comes across quite well here as well.

The fights are pretty good in case you are an action buff and other details like chara development and world building are done pretty well.

All in all, worth a short.

Also since it's my first time translating I would love if readers can share their opinions so that I can improve and deliver the chapters at the same level of enjoyment as I had experinced while reading from the RAWS.

Cheerio !

Happy Reading !

PS : Since there are only approx 50 chapters so far, our group is planning to increase the release frequency <<less
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Dante7555 rated it
July 23, 2020
Status: c5
It was interesting at first, but at the point I'm reading right now the novel is just full of contradictory statements filling up the entire chapter. Literally "They're misunderstanding about my relationship with x" "I don't particularly feel anything about x" then "I'll regret it if I don't save x", it's alright if it's only portrayed once, but it's repeated so many times it just makes the entire thing disorienting and boring. The concept is still very interesting but I don't like the execution.
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xwhy rated it
May 10, 2022
Status: c15
This is a crazily narrow-minded novel that you don't often see from Japanese stories. It feels more like the plot of a Korean manhwa. Complete disregard of world building you learn about the world as it appears in the story. For example, you don't know that monsters exist until all of a sudden goblins and ogres show up. Adventurers? Yeah they're a thing. Magic? Yup. Apparently your childhood friend is a healing mage. Sword Demon? Where the f*ck did he come from? The entire story and development revolves around the... more>> MC's dream about star-slaying that we don't even know the details of. It feels like the vague development may be on purpose in order to build the story later. All in all though? I like it. It's a fresh dark fantasy that breaks from the mold of "adventure" to pursue a concept of the "strongest". <<less
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cynzfirefly rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: --
So... so far, this story is unbearable. Basically, this story makes Dragon Ball Z look like a rushed work... and it was written by a drunk. Not only did the MC's train of though NOT leave the station, it feels like it was dragged on so much per chapter that even slow-burner novels would have passed the finish line, and this story would only just have started.

The concept is interesting, the execution is... not very good at all. It isn't the worst there is, but that's not really a point... more>> for it either.

The main problem here is that the story seems to be about the MC becoming the strongest swordsman, but what the pace does to the story is to leave the beginning arc in the freezer.

Yes, take your time developing and introducing us to the MC and the people around him. But the story doesn't even explain nor world-build much even after the first ten chapters. Even the average slow-burner stories would have already somewhat introduced us to the MC, the supporting characters, and much of the region around the MC as it delves further into the plot.

The secondary problem is either a translation issue, or the author really didn't realize how... empty the MC's thought processes were. They are awkward, to say the least. Again, nowhere near the worst I've seen, but just awkward enough to feel as if the character is not fully there. In short, the MC feels incomplete.

Well, this is it so far, maybe it will change and improve as it goes on, but for now. I do not recommend anyone who wishes to start on this story to begin reading now unless they want an unappetizing, incomplete story that belongs to the Slow-Cooker's lesser known cousin: "The Glacial Pace". <<less
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