Star Path Immortal Trace


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On the modern world of Blue Star, strange events suddenly appeared. Humans organized a group of explorers and trained them to investigate these unusual phenomena, with the organizers promising to recall all explorers. A university student entered the otherworld and discovered that it was a dangerous place, completely different from the modern world, filled with the unknown. In this Otherworld, he could only try his best to survive and wait anxiously for the recall…

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New MyRAMEN rated it
November 14, 2024
Status: c3
Please take my review with a grain of salt, and I'm sorry to the translator as I'm the only review rn... but this novel didn't feel that great.

Frankly I didn't get far enough to see the main plot, but up till the point I've read, it is just rookie type writing. There is very very forced plotline, very very forced plot armor, and much much world info dumping. There also is a sneak peak at what seems to be the female lead within 2 chaps.

I just couldn't keep reading with... more>> all the above. I didn't really even finish what seems to have been the prologue arc that sets it up. But I just couldn't continue... it's that bad...

But again, considering I didn't get into the main arc, take it with a grain of salt. But I do say, that this novel def wouldn't be in the 5stars at least <<less
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