Stand-in Training Class


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To pass the time, I started giving online training on how to be a stand-in.

Unexpectedly, my own husband became a student. He even spoke with righteous conviction:

“As long as my wife is happy, what’s wrong with being a stand-in?

“So what if there’s a white moonlight? I was still the one who married her.

“As long as the imitation is spot on, the stand-in can rise to the top too!”

? I was confused.

Aren’t I the one who’s always been treated as the stand-in???

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Related Series
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Date Group Release
09/15/24 Crimson Translations part9
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09/15/24 Crimson Translations part5
09/15/24 Crimson Translations part4
09/15/24 Crimson Translations part3
09/15/24 Crimson Translations part2
09/15/24 Crimson Translations part1
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One of the best misunderstanding trope I read! The dynamic of the couple is so funny and the romance really sweet.

It's very funny to see a ML being so awkward and bad at flirting. I think the whole situation can even be adapted to a rom-com.

The translation is also well done in a way that it allows me to be fully immersed in the story
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New Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
September 15, 2024
Status: Completed
This was a funny and cute story. The leads are married couple who misunderstood each other and wasted 2yrs thinking they're just stand-in of each other.

ML was so in-love with FL that he's willing to do all instruction of "teacher" just to make his wife fall for him (even doing weird stuff haha)

After communication and being open about their real feelings, they became cute couple.
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