Spoil You All Your Life


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Shizixian, is the most handsome army general. Compelling heroic spirit, handsome, and outstandingly talented.

When he stands still, it’s as if a jade tree is facing the wind, peerless under the heavens. When he smiles, the sky and earth brightens, as if the sun and moon are both dazzling the world.

Shizixian: “Little thing, do you know the regulations for divorcing in a military marriage?”

Mo Zimu: “Won’t tell you.”

Shizexian: “Be good. Recite it, surprise me.”

“Don’t play with me, this is not surprising enough… The spouse of an active serviceman who requests a divorce must obtain the consent of the serviceman, except for in circumstances of where the serviceman has committed a great wrong”

[Interpretation: If both husband and wife agree to divorce, they can agree to divorce just like ordinary marriage. Otherwise, as long as the servicemen has not committed a major wrong, he will have a veto power on the divorce.] “So fast, I’m surprised!”

The alarm he gave her was unexpectedly enough – — —

Mo Zimu, a very principled person, her principle is simply- read the mood!

Alluring as a fox, recklessly flashy. In her view, love as such when the couple should be harmonious, evenly matched, low demands or pithily waiting;

None of that are to her taste!

“I’ve thought there were many different kinds of happiness, but I have never once dreamed of the kind of happiness you’ve given me.”

“I’ve thought about many different kinds of love, but I have never dreamed of the kind of love you’ve given me”.

“I’ve thought about different ways of ways dying, but I never dreamed of you…”

“If I am not a powerful career women, then I want ‘Memoriable Planning’!” (TN: the company where she works as a Chief)

“If there is such a great thing as a next life, you will still be my exclusive protector, okay?”

“We, have a next life?”

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June 17, 2022
Status: c6
So far, nothing important really happened in the story except for stating who is who. All 6 chapters can be compressed into 1 chapter if you ask me. Everything's too wordy and too descriptive, and not really the writing style I like. I can't even last long reading the mtl - it's so bad. The translators have to take over this one. 😅
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