Special Agent in the Beast World


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To allow those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country to continue living in another way, the nation developed a rebirth chip.

However, there was one issue—the time and space in which the reborn individuals would appear could not be determined.

While the higher-ups were hesitating, Zhao Xiyue stepped forward and became the first living test subject for the rebirth chip.

And then—Zhao Xiyue found herself reborn in the Beast World Continent.

Faced with all sorts of unimaginable beasts and dangers, Zhao Xiyue glanced at the handsome white tiger who had saved her and happily followed him home.

But when she encountered the various incomprehensible rules of the beast world, Zhao Xiyue, deeply influenced by modern ideals, could only feel a headache coming on.

And several months later, with a heavily pregnant belly, Zhao Xiyue looked at the giant green snake that the white tiger had dragged back and was utterly speechless!

“What’s going on? Did you just bring home a younger brother to compete with you for your mate?”

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