Southern Tsunami


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Zhao Jing traveled to an island for a wedding but was unfortunately caught in a tsunami. He sustained minor injuries, which left him with limited mobility and in need of basic care.

The only person left by his side was a well-known socialite in his circle, someone constantly trying to curry favor with him. For the sake of his recovery, Zhao Jing reluctantly granted Wei Jiayi the opportunity to get closer to him.

Wei Jiayi had come to the southern island for a friend’s wedding, but after the tsunami struck, he found himself stuck 24/7 with a pompous, lame-legged nuisance.

CP: Zhao Jing x Wei Jiayi

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1 Review

New rimirinrin
Jan 23, 2025
Status: Completed
Wei Jiayi (MC) is a photographer and he was invited to an island for a wedding photoshoot where he met Zhao Jing (ML). He has met him before and his impression of him wasn't great. However, as the tsunami hits the island, both of them are forced to stick together and our overthinking ML is gradually convinced that Jiayi has feelings for him.

It was a little sad looking at the disaster stricken place, however ML's antics totally changes the atmosphere. He could probably date himself with that brain of his.... more>> However, ML is a big green flag, he's honest, respect boundaries (at important times), and most of all, both of them are straight forward people.

There are no misunderstandings that are over a chapter and it is a really relaxing and easy read. I like the ending, with MC's internal struggles being settled, and everything was really heart warming. <<less
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