Sinful Material of the Evil-Breasted Criminals


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A beautiful, crimson-haired, big-breasted swordswoman named Aira Verfane Quatronix, who claims to be a super criminal from another world, suddenly appears before Harima Yuki, a somewhat unusual high school boy.

According to Aira, a decisive battle between the super criminals from another world will begin in Yuki’s hometown.

True to her words, the super criminals from another world appear one after another, their voluptuous breasts shaking. Not only in battle, but even while being violated by Yuki under the pretext of replenishing magical power, their attractive large breasts bounce up and down.

Yuki decides to assist Aira, who doesn’t seem like a criminal at all, and entered the battlefield.

*Almost all of the heroines have large breasts. Sorry.

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