Since Being Exiled, I Suddenly Started to Be Reevaluated


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“No… Why is this happening now after they exiled me?”

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After Being Banished, I Started Being Reevaluated.
After being exiled, I suddenly started to be re-evaluated.
Bèi kāichú hòu, wǒ túrán kāishǐ bèi chóngxīn pínggū.
Chubang Danghan Ihuro Gappjagi Jaepyeongga Batgi Sijakhaetda.
Después de ser exiliado, de repente comenzaron a reevaluarme.
Tsuihō sa rete kara totsuzen sai hyōka o uke hajimeta
추방 당한 이후로 갑자기 재평가 받기 시작했다
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New MyRAMEN rated it
January 31, 2025
Status: c6
I truly gave this a chance... but the story is just too absurd.

The story is basically a jpn cliche of the banished hero who is unknowingly secretly overpowered.

The intro part of the first chapter was interesting, but everything afterwards is just complete absurdism. So many heavily forced plot of the most idiotic and dumb fkn decisions. I guess saving the world just isn't important to anyone I guess? As obviously the world is in a world of negative iq.

But I tried to pass off all my brain cells dying away,... more>> but the princess char and the hero tp part just tipped the last vestiges of forgiveness to pass off, and ruined it all for me.

Every fkn character is just dumb as fk. And this story is the least realistic story I have read in a while. It's honestly so bad, that I can actually suggest reading this, just to see how bad all the characters and plot were, rather than the actual story.

But if you aren't interested in that, save yourself from jumping in a tr*shcan <<less
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