Simulated 1000 Times: I Know the Survival Game’s Fastest Path


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“East, west, north, south—ask around and see who’s the boss.”

“Life isn’t about comparisons; let’s see where you really stand.”

When the White Tower descends, the world is thrown into deadly dungeon mode.

Zheng Xun, who is bound to the Infinite Simulation System and forced to replay the beginner’s level a thousand times, declares:

“I’ve already cleared it. I’m perfectly fine. Now, it’s your turn to face me.”

From that day on, White Tower players frequently witness a “newbie” wielding a massive hammer and storming through dungeons with destructive speed.

The skies clear, the rain stops, and suddenly, you think you’re unstoppable.

But remember: games are for fun, pranks are fine, just don’t mess with Zheng the God.

Years later, Zheng Xun stands…

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