Simmering Jams at the Edge of the Forest


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A 30 something Margaret was summoned to a different world as a special being called “Spirit Orison”. However, what was waiting there was a rural life in the countryside, which was the complete opposite of her previous life. Meeting a gentle old lady, we will start a cheerful and delicious slow life surrounded by warm people.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Making Jam in the Woods: My Relaxing Life Starts in Another World (LN)
Mori no Hotori de Jam wo Niru - Isekai de Hajimeru Inakagurashi
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance
  2. Short Good reads
  3. Cooking/Food Novels
  4. Novels I find decently interesting
  5. Future Reads

Latest Release

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3 Reviews sorted by

Saintsaber16 rated it
January 24, 2020
Status: v1c3
I would appreciate if people would leave comments why they like and dislike this story. As the translator for this LN I just wanted to share it to other people who may find it interesting as well. I would very much like a feedback on how I am doing so far
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Malacat rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: v1c4 part1
A cute slow paced slice of life isikai story where everyone is an adult. No teen drama or deep raging angst everything gets handled quickly and maturely.
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mochiyuzu rated it
March 29, 2020
Status: v1c1 part 2
Peaceful light novel about simmering jams! The writing and grammar are very good and I love the slice of life genre so if you do as well you should give it a read!
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