Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Iden: Leila Asprey


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The story is set 500 years before Sukasuka and follows the titular character herself, Leila Asprey, a former princess who is now the latest and strongest in the long line of Legal Braves who wields the holy sword Seniorious.

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Sukasuka Side Story: Leila Asprey
終末なにしてますか?異伝 リーリァ・アスプレイ
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels I personally like (3)
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  3. Interesting Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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08/25/23 Orlandri Translation... v1c3 part1
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09/23/22 Orlandri Translation... v1c2 part5
08/28/22 Orlandri Translation... v1c2 part4
07/29/22 Orlandri Translation... v1c2 part3
01/14/22 Orlandri Translation... v1c2 part2
11/30/20 Orlandri Translation... v1c2 part1
05/10/20 Orlandri Translation... v1c1
05/10/20 Orlandri Translation... v1 illustrations
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