Shredded Pork And Tofu In Yuxiang Sauce


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I picked up an amnesiac man. He eats my food, wears my clothes, and uses my things. Then he pins me to the bed, coaxing me to call him “husband.”

I roared, “I’m a man! How could I possibly call you ‘husband’!”

Later, HuaLe Entertainment launches a nationwide search for their missing movie star, who vanished while skydiving. They offer a 10 million reward.

I look at the man beside me, deep in thought.

“Honey, what color sack do you prefer?” I ask.

“What, trying to play hard to get?” The man spreads himself out, inviting me.

“Hard to get? I’m just capturing you.”

In the next second, I knock him out and haul him in a sack, delivering him to HuaLe overnight.

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nicollo rated it
September 22, 2024
Status: Completed
It’s fairly good... I mean it’s a short story so don’t expect too much plot developments, intricate plot twists and character developments.

But for a light read in between long novels, it’s good enough👍

The translation is good overall.

... more>> I would recommend it for a light read after a tragedy novel or a novel with a lot of drama, palace intrigue or mystery that needs a lot of brainpower to read.

But I would not recommend it if you’re reading it solely for the plot itself as there’s not much plot in there.

I personally feel it’s a great idea for a long novel, if the author spends more time on world building and character development, I do think it’ll be an interesting novel but since it’s a short story with only 8 chapters, I think it’s good enough. <<less
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