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On my birthday, my younger sister, who had run away with the man who was supposed to be my husband, returned.

“Is it alright if I stay at the main house, sister?”

Just as my hand was about to fly at her brazen request, an unexpected man intervened.

“No. That would be a bit difficult.”

My younger brother’s best friend. The ultimate king of being cheeky and subtly annoying people, Lennox Diorne!

“You’re s*upid and cute. Are you just going to end up embarrassed like this? Getting caught up with your sister who returned after 3 years?”

At his teasing whisper, I unknowingly wrapped my arms around his neck.

“You’re here now, Darling?”

Without realizing it was an impulse that would backfire on me.

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쇼윈도 스캔들
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