Shinyu Ouji to Koshiginchaku


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“You were born for the sake of Prince Vincent.”

Lenoir, who was born to be the prince’s retainer, received a curse in place of his best friend that transformed him into a woman.

And what’s more, the prince, who used to hate women, decided to take responsibility for what happened to his best friend, Lenoir, by marrying him!

This is the love story of a genderbent heroine who was engaged to her best friend, the prince.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Prince and his Retainer
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/11/21 Last Fênix c6
08/08/21 Last Fênix c5
04/20/21 Last Fênix c4
03/07/21 Last Fênix c3
01/10/21 Last Fênix c2
11/29/20 Last Fênix c1
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4 Reviews sorted by

mimisansub rated it
August 27, 2021
Status: c5

The so called "translator" takes A LOT of "creative liberties", adding lines that don't exist, changing the monologue and the things people say etc. The result is that the MC thoughts end up disjointed and different from the RAWs.

It is not a faithful translation of the original work. Hence the 1 star. Personally I think the translation should be removed from NU.

The basic premise is a guy was raised from birth to serve a prince. All his life he has ever lived for the... more>> prince and acted for the prince's benefit, without any thoughts of his own. They are also best friends, though the MC is very much subservient in the relationship. One day a girl tries to curse the prince with a genderswap curse, but MC jumps in and gets turned into a girl instead. The curse can't be undone, so the prince decides he will marry her as he feels guilty his best friend got turned into a girl and doesnt want him (now her) married off to some other guy.

I like the premise, though many people don't like the "mesu-ochi" gender bender genre. I'd say this is a typical rom-com with a gender bender twist, where the MC needs to adapt and accept their new body and new feelings, while also coming out of the shadow of her former master, and asserting her own personality. Throw in some classic misundestandings and the servile personality of the MC and you get some good comedy, along with an overall nice story. <<less
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AkaneSS rated it
January 25, 2021
Status: c2
Came after reading the manga and WOW what a rollercoaster. Can't wait for it to have more chapters😍 and they forgot to update the status as the second chapter is available already😊. So happy in finding another gem. 💎
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H20_Mel0n rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: c1
Awesome start! Waiting for more :)

The first 3 chapters are awesome, cute and funny. The writing style is also quite good.
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Shaiaf rated it
November 29, 2020
Status: c1
Seems interesting enough, short and sweet from the amount of chapters even though judging by the first one they are relatively long.
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