Shinario-dōri ni Taijō Shita no ni, Imasara Nan no Goyōdesu ka?


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In response to the annulment of her engagement from the Prince, Christiane got off the stage of the Otome Game. In a certain town’s inn and restaurant, where the commoner girl Chris works, the royal prince and his entourage came for some reason…

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One entry per line
Even Though I Left Just Like the Scenario, What is it Now?
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Recommendation Lists
  1. From Villainess to Happy Ending
  2. Wyntile's Female Isekais
  3. Villainess & Aristocracy Female Lead Part 4
  4. Villain/Villainess
  5. Villainess MCs in Japanese novels

Latest Release

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08/21/19 eunieTL c18
08/13/19 eunieTL c17
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8 Reviews sorted by

Ichigoeater rated it
October 19, 2019
Status: c17
In a word... dissatisfied. In another word, invested. I'm dis-satisfactorily invested.

... more>>

The prince and his entourage need to receive broken noses for obvious reasons. The father should be solidly kicked between the legs. The brother should get a nail ripped off. The mother is the only character I feel pity for, and she was the only one who I feel got any comeuppance at all (in the form of seeing her daughter seemingly happier without her), the one who didn't deserve it.

Honestly, I want to slap the protagonist as well, but she doesn't deserve it. She's very meek, and the reasons she is are convincing. Her running away makes sense, too, though not for the phoned in reason of cowardice, but the fact that the father blamed her for not standing up for herself and 'shaming the duke's household', after making it clear he believes she didn't do anything wrong to the fraud chick... yeah, I'd say she was right about him thinking of her as a pawn, and my opinion hasn't been improved knowing everything. If her father and the king thought she and the prince were unsuited for each other, then they should've just broke the engagement and not manipulated things to the point where the ONLY INNOCENT ONE reached her downfall, then victim blamed her because she didn't criticize the frickin' CROWN PRINCE in front of his vicious entourage and her seemingly backstabbing brother?! And going so far as to say she's shamed the Ducal Household? When in truth the father's secret machinations are what led to her shame? And we're supposed to sympathize with this man and think him just and smart? Are you kidding me?

Even though the father apologizes for it, I'd be like 'peace, homies, I'm out.'

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Ritu rated it
August 12, 2019
Status: --
This is such a difficult novel to read. There are a lot of jump scenes and no connection between them. I had to re read again and again to understand what is actually happening. The plot is okay but the writing style is 2/10.

The translators site is so difficult to navigate. Took me a long time to understand how to find the chapter I am reading.
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kawaii12345 rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: Completed
TLDR: It's very meh

The writing isn't engaging. The messaging is ridiculous. The MC has no sense of self, she's a complete void.

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First it has that damn, glorious life of a commoner in a feudal society trope. Let me say this, being a commoner girl is not like being a middle class Japanese HS student in the 21st century. Well unless they can be killed or r*ped without repercussion, and anyone claiming nobility can walk into their place of business and requisition goods or them at will it's not

2nd She's been engaged to the CP for 10+ years, she has lost that time, she's lost 6 months of her education and she has her gpod name sullied. When CP comes to apologize it's I need to see your sincerity???? Jeebus she's been working a tavern wench (once again not a great profession in those days as it was accompanied with prostitution). Words are nice actual compensation is better

3rd Is the ultimate problem, the writing is bland. I mean it's vacuous. You just don't care. Even if you get past the whole daily record of a Japanese HS girl with medieval props, it's just do not care. You don't care about her school festival in the town. You don't care what happens to the white lotus. You don't care about the obvious love interest. You don't even care that her ;ife was ruined.

Why won't you care? Because she doesn't care. She's more blase than an internet junkie on thorazine


On the plus side machine translation is nearly as good as the human translation so if you want to binge ahead you can <<less
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Azure_1802 rated it
November 28, 2019
Status: --
I usually like these "reincarnated as villainesses in games/manga worlds" because the MCs usually have personalities. But this MC is just so empty, blank and withdrawal.

She has her past life's memories about the otome game, she knows what will happen but she does nothing to change it, just goes with the flow.


The translator does a great job, but the translation's page is too hard to use, the links on the index page are kind of messed up.
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Sa-chan rated it
July 30, 2019
Status: c16
It's okay I suppose. The trop has been used and reused but they still managed to make it readable since the chapters are short. Thus, even if it's the same "back story" as other better written isekais, it's more advanced.

I don't know if it's the translator or the writer, but some of the sentences are difficult to read.

It's something to read if you have nothing else to do, not the best, but not the worst either.

I would like though to thank the translator for her quick updates
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akera93 rated it
February 10, 2020
Status: --
The usual idiotic prince who breaks off an engagement with someone he knew for years for someone who just appeared. There is a nice twist about her family and I thought that it'll become interesting and all but this is very very tedious and boring.
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Whitemarch rated it
December 19, 2019
Status: c17
First off, the plot is ok, not too fascinating nor horrible. Until where I have read, which is chapter 17, there haven't been much brain-wrecking politics so this is still light to read. The plot definately desevers 3 to 4 stars, but I decided to make it 3 because the writing sucks. It's too hard to understand what the author is trying to achieve. Be it within a chapter or between chapters, there's no connection at all, make it hard to understand and, therefore, unpleasant to read. It's such a... more>> shame because the characters, in my opinion, have plenty potential to develop in 277 chapters, especially the FL, since they are quite interesting and yet to mature, but it would most likely be ruined because of bad writing skill.

Second, I would like to appreciate the translator for his/her effort. The translation is quite nice, although I had to struggle a bit with the index page. It was quite hard to find chapters with a few wrong links. My apologies but I had to skip one of the chapters since I couldn't find it.

So, while it's quite an unpleasant experience with such writing skill, I will give my bet on the plot and give it a go for now.

Might update this review later. <<less
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acexdeuce rated it
August 2, 2019
Status: --
Another light romance story with the usual plot of broken engagement, the MC was accused of bullying the heroine. My bad the summary misled me ... more>>

When I read the summary I thought 'oh how nice, so this time instead of the prince (ex-fiancee) became the annoying antagonist, he reflected on his bad behaviour to the MC and they would be back with each other'. But no it's the usual plot that another character became the lover of MC. What's the use of that summary (._.). The prince was really just came to apologize. IMO he wasn't that bad or as annoying as that 2nd prince from duke's daughter. If I'm not wrong, the prince became a support character in the end

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