Shh, Don’t Play a M*rder Game on a Dating Reality Show


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Cen Yueyue was an obscure D-list actress who, by sheer dumb luck, was thrust into a reality dating show featuring A-list movie stars as a disposable side character. Her agent had somehow managed to squeeze her into this high-profile production, but only as cannon fodder.

The director’s script called for her to be as dramatic and disruptive as possible, milking every last drop of entertainment value from her expendable role. And so, on the very first night, Cen Yueyue’s potential love interest ended up with an arrow through his skull.

“When night falls, please close your eyes. mu*derer, open your eyes and choose your next victim…”

A secluded mountain villa. Fifteen contestants. A broken bridge cutting off all escape. What seemed like a deserted island with no survivors was, from the very beginning, actually an elaborate live-streamed entertainment spectacle for the masses.

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1 Review

New kaio98
Oct 03, 2024
Status: Completed
mu*der mystery type with a bit of comedy and some subtle yuri (when I say subtle I really mean subtle. The romance is really almost negligible and nothing explicit and ... more>>

they don't exactly end up together? If you include the very last chapter/extra.


It's hard to talk about it without spoiling anything, but you vaguely sense something by the end of the first chapter anyway. I'll try to summarise with as little spoilers as possible.


12 celebrities + 1 director + 2 assistants are left stranded in a secluded villa, and nobody knows the location (plothole to be sure, how can the director not even know where they're going) and their phones are confiscated so they cannot contact the outside world. Unknown to them, the live broadcast starts the moment they enter the villa and they think they'll only start shooting the variety show the next day.

People start getting mu*dered one after another and the tension grows. The audience finds out that apparently every single person there is a terrible horrible sinner and deserves to die, but over time the clues connect and everyone is apparently related in some way, and know each other before coming to the show.

Who exactly is behind all this and why???


The conclusion of the main plot and reveal of the on-site mu*derer was definitely a twist I did not see coming. Would definitely recommend to read it if just for the main storyline.

The extras could have been better but I guess they offer a little something more to those whose appetite were whetted and wanted to read somemore. The last extra took me by surprise again but im not sure how I feel about it.

But overall I would say a good mu*der mystery read. 9/10. <<less
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