She’s Done Coaxing Him


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[Contracted for Publication] [Redemption × Slow-burn Romance × Campus Drama]

Sweet gentle student × Rebellious handsome bad boy

That summer seemed hotter than any before. In the graduation photo, the girl smiled sweetly, and behind her stood a boy in a white shirt with a bold smile.

They met in midsummer, and parted in midsummer. His little rose would forever remain in that summer.

[“Did I scare you, classmate?”


“Don’t be afraid.”]

[“Won’t you consider being with me, classmate?”

“Catch up to me, and I’ll consider it.”]

[“Wait for me in the next life, okay?”

“I won’t wait for a liar.”]

[“Just eat some candy and you’ll feel happy.”

“I’ve eaten so much candy, why can’t I feel happy yet?”]

[“You must eat when your stomach isn’t feeling well, be good.”

“I won’t be good. When will you come back to comfort me?”]

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