Seven Lifetimes


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Two souls share a cyclical destiny of revenge.
Can they overcome and find happiness within seven lifetimes?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Sansheng, Wangchuan Wu Shang (2)
Seven Unfortunate Lifetimes, All Thanks to a Single Moment of Impulse (2)
My Disciple Died Yet Again (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance (Ancient Time) part 2
  2. cute one shots
  3. tending to my garden
  4. Non-humans and their meng pt.3
  5. Fantasy Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/10/16 Bananachocolatecosmos short story
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7 Reviews sorted by

tedy2004 rated it
October 31, 2020
Status: Completed
Meh, different liking. It was okay how the story was handled, but like the FL's reason:... more>>

Fell in love with ML because he put the umbrella on her head and that protected her from raindrops, eye roll*, rational -infinity, xd just objective... sigh


I guess if you read this novel while being more subjective than objective then it will be 4 or 5 stars.

P.S.: No bed scenes.

A good night, sleeeeep <<less
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Miyacherry rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: Completed
The ML should protests the high deity.


Without his consent, he was thrown to 6 lifetime of angst and grievances, just because the FL fall in love with him


Fortunately it's a HE.
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nixxara rated it
August 11, 2016
Status: --
A short yet pleasant read. The story starts with the first lifetime and spans to 7 lifetimes. In the beginning, you might not understand why there are 7 lifetimes between 2 fated people but it all makes sense at the end.

If you are curious, here is the reason:


Deity is going through a seven lifetimes test in order to be with the person she loves

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Caroline13 rated it
July 14, 2023
Status: Completed
i usually don't like one-shot, but this one is good. The story is about


an immortal want to be a mortal to pursue love.

FL fell in love at the first sight. She's very decisive about it and had a way to make it happen. On the other side, poor ML, a mortal boy had nothing to say on his fate and forced to live full of misfortune for 6 lifetimes. A good thing that it's a happy ending.


Not something new actually, but I still like it.

Many thanks to author and translator!
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AnotherBoredPerson rated it
October 21, 2020
Status: short story
Damn this is really good imo. The 6 life time is full of revenge and sadness. But the end is HE!


FL originally is a deity and ML is a mortal human. FL gave up her deity status to be together with ML.

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Saphie rated it
April 19, 2020
Status: short story
It is but a short story but managed to move me so. Definitely worth your time :)
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July 1, 2017
Status: --
It's such a cute and sweet short story. I'm thankful that someone actually took their time to translate something this sweet. 7 life time of sweetness and bitterness. Hehe ?
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