Sekaiichi Hatsukoi – Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai


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Yokozawa Takafumi is in the midst of heartbreak after being rejected by his one-sided love, Takano Masamune. Will things look up for poor Yokozawa once he crosses paths with Kirishima Zen, the head editor of a shounen manga magazine, who also happens to have a young daughter?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mejor Primer Amor del Mundo - El Caso de Yokozawa Takafumi
Melhor Primeiro Amor do Mundo - O Caso de Yokozawa Takafumi
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi - Sorata no Baai
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi - The Case of Yokozawa Takafumi
World's Greatest First Love - Yokozawa Takafumi
世界一初恋 ~横澤隆史の場合~
世界一初恋 横泽隆史
Related Series
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi – Yoshino Chiaki no Baai (Same Franchise)
Recommendation Lists
  1. modern romance
  2. nostalgia <3
  3. I just think they're neat
  4. A picky reader's danmei picks
  5. dogfood is delicious tbh

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/09/15 September Scanlations v6c11
09/02/14 September Scanlations v5
08/04/13 September Scanlations v4
01/12/13 September Scanlations v3
09/12/12 September Scanlations v2
12/30/11 September Scanlations v1
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4 Reviews sorted by

New tzmmonloop rated it
November 22, 2024
Status: --
One of my fav.. one of the original absolute best BL.. It's been years since I discovered Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and this couple and all these years, I never forget how much kirishima and yokozawa bring me comfort with their wholesome romance.. seriously, kirishima is one of my fav top among all top and I like his personality sooo muchh.. and how he love yokozawa perfectly... ahhh I love them so much... coming to write this review as I start to re-read them
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xxreapers1xx rated it
March 9, 2023
Status: Completed
I love this story so much, definitely on my top ten! I just can't understand the low ratings since those people didn't leave a review. These two are just so cute together and I love the teasing. I actually like these two more than I like the main couple of the series. I only wish it was longer. I used to hate Yokozawa until I watched the anime adaptation which led me to this book series. Trust me, you won't regret giving it a read! Let me know if you... more>> need help finding this book, it seems the original link is broken. <<less
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NIke_V rated it
September 22, 2018
Status: v6c11
Love this pairing the most out of all in this spin-off universe (in main universe, JR, only Hiroki x Novaki are comparable to me) - they complement each other so we'll.

I read this novel several times and hope that there is going to be vol 7 (or more), so that they face with ... more>>

"telling everything to Hiyo"

but seeing as it's been years since last volume it most likely won't happen : (.

To be honest the covers are for me a bit weird: why do they feature cat? Hiyo is definitely more important but on none of the covers. <<less
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Nelhiro rated it
December 21, 2017
Status: Completed
Definitely my favorite novel..... I can only say: I love yokozawa from the first time I saw him... before the novel many hated him, but I do not, in sekaichi they precede us as a bad tempered character 'rival' of the protagonist and it's fine because that's the way it is (I love the characters with that kind of character), however in the novel we see the other side of the bear gruñon, its "soft" side, unquestionably tsundere, but with character... I just love him, kirishima and hiyori are a... more>> true blessing in his life <<less
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