Second Story Online: Aiming To Become The World’s Number 1. Ideal Witch


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“To the person in search of a second story—become the hero that saves the common people from despair, defeat the demon king and his minions, or just settle for a casual life as a leisurely villager. You can become any kind of person you want in this world.

Let’s start your second story now! The story you spin becomes part of the history of Second Story Online!”

The game has finished its beta phase and is now promoting through such a catch phrase. It’s an online game not much different from other VRMMOs with a fantasy setting. If there’s a slight difference, then it could be that this game is filled with a lot of roleplayers.

I am a player of such a game; moreover, a roleplayer. I started to play this game because I had always wanted to be a witch. From today onwards, I will do my best to roleplay the ideal witch!

Although roleplayer Chloe tries hard to become the ideal witch.. it seems like her ideal picture of a witch is slightly skewed.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chloe the Witch
セカンド・ストーリー・オンライン 理想の魔女目指して頑張ります。
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Read List Bookmark
  2. Female mc third part
  3. JP FMC Novels
  4. my fetish
  5. Female protagonist with no romance

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/29/19 L4ST-K c15
07/27/19 L4ST-K c14
07/24/19 L4ST-K c13
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3 Reviews sorted by

July 29, 2019
Status: c19
Pretty standard slice of life vrmmo, with a female protagonist.

For people who don't know the genre, it focuses on a newcomer to gaming who starts playing a vrmmo and bumbles around, making bad decisions that turn out to be good because plot armor. It's a fun genre because you see how far the author is willing to go to break the game in the protagonist's favor. In this character's case, she makes bad decisions on purpose for role-playing reasons at least, which I can respect.

Very little character interaction so far,... more>> no plot because it's slice of life, and we've only scratched the surface of the game itself, so I'll hold off on giving a rating, but I'd probably go 3.5/5 for being inoffensive and mildly funny at times. <<less
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Godleydemon rated it
April 21, 2021
Status: c130
Read this all in one sitting on raws and I have to say, I enjoyed it. It follows along with some of the tropes of the genre but also manages to keep a few things fresh. The author also sets up tons of little plots that can be played off of later when they decide to pick the novel back up again. The system the world is based on, frankly, would never work in real life lol. It's so unbalanced and ridiculous that someone's backstory and lore can affect the... more>> entire world. But when you suspend your disbelief a bit and just come along for the ride. It's quite fun, and you can see a ton of promise in what could happen with various side characters. (There is even a very very brief mention of an RP sister out there of the MC that she doesn't know about yet).

To get to the point, it's a relaxing read with some pretty decent action scenes. The author sets up certain scenarios to explain how she got to such strength. Just don't take the world and game system seriously and it's a really fun read. <<less
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hose246 rated it
June 4, 2022
Status: c19
I guess it's an ok chilling novel?

There isn't much to say, there are too little content for me to make an accurate judgement on the world building, but considering the total chapters there are (which is 130), 19 chapters is literally 10% of the chapter yet there is still almost zero world building. I'm a little worried on that part.

The characters are just there, the protagonist is just there, there is nothing I can say about them since the side characters haven't even arrived yet lmao. Well, we are literally... more>> more than 10% into the novel and the side character just arrived. The protagonist isn't annoying, but she has almost no personality either except being someone who loves rp and witches. You can probably confuse with the 9999 other generic protagonist.

The actions scenes lack tension, and the contents are skippable with almost no consequences and you won't miss out on anything.

Well, you can read this novel if you have nothing else to read. <<less
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