Saving My Goddess


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A sweet and healing story of a funny young knight-errant who saved (abducted) a nerdy Goddess. Sweet fantasy fairy tale story.

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07/20/20 Let’s Yuri... oneshot
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7 Reviews sorted by

Yama-dono rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: c1
That’s just cute. So adorable short story and translation is so well done too. Totally recommend it
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kawaii12345 rated it
May 21, 2022
Status: Completed
3.5 Stars call it 4 for the cute factor.

It's a cute fairy tale that mostly delivers on it's advertised points. It's not really Yuri so much as Shoujo Ai as I understand.

The story is very short so don't look for character development. It's just not there even the MC is just simply described.

... more>> The plot is very straightforward, you won't figure it out from the first paragraph but none of it should be a surprise to anyone.

Finally the translation and writing are both very easy to read.

Bottom Line: A quick read if you are looking for one. <<less
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ivegotasweettooth rated it
July 13, 2022
Status: oneshot
Great for a mood lifter and if you need a pick me up. Very short and sweet.

For a short story, it surprisingly has depth and subtle character development. Also the two of them are very much suited for each other, they complement each other. MC is reckless but resilient while the Goddess is level headed but timid. Very smooth.
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Sloffins rated it
April 3, 2024
Status: Completed
A one-shot is a one-shot! If people are here looking for character development, it's not here. This novel served its purpose for being short and sweet. This was such a cute read. I read it before I went to sleep like a bedtime story.

A female knight wandering the land comes across a hut in the woods containing a trapped goddess. She intends to save her! Since this is a one-shot and the story itself is short, I, of course, will keep this as brief as that, as anything more is... more>> basically the entire quick read. It has a good translation, allowing for a quick and nice read. <<less
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hoatzin rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: --
Very, very short and sweet.

It is probably worth your time if you want more wlw/baihe/gl in your reading list, as the translated webnovels tend towards content focusing upon men.

The characters are quite nice, but I do wish this were a bit longer and had a bit more development.
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Karmisa rated it
July 13, 2021
Status: oneshot
I could easily see this becoming a prologue to a bigger SOL series, but as it stands, it is a cute oneshot.

I like how it depicts the MC. She's kinda slow, but it's shown, not stated (she doesn't wish for food when the goddess could've easily granted it to her and there is a simple solution to her problem that a no-name side character figures out before her) and considering how short it is, any characterization of that sort is pretty impressive.

It can be argued that in a world where... more>> there's tangible evidence that gods exist and grant miracles, freeing said deity from their forced-upon duty that's lasted hundreds of years isn't proof of selfishness, even if the decision dooms all of the people who were reliant on such blessings.

Bonus points for one of my favorite shipping dynamics: immortal/all-powerful being X a regular, mortal person.

All in all, very enjoyable. <<less
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Rustle silver butterflies
Rustle silver butterflies rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: oneshot
Cute story about carefree knight and kind goddess. Recommend it.
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