Salvation Under Your Feet


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The meeting of the unfortunate Meitner and the unfortunate Bernadotte.

Adeline Bernadotte, a fallen royal family after losing the war.

People were surprised to hear that Adeline’s new partner, who had nowhere to go, was Michael.

Even if that partner was the infamous ‘Meitner’.

‘Michael Meitner, who sold his soul to the devil!’

Adeline met her gaze with wavering eyes with the man who had the power to choose this relationship.

The eyes covered in a dreary gray fog deepened as if assessing the value of the other person.

Adeline gathered all her strength to not flinch before those eyes.

“I hope the Count accepts this marriage proposal.”

Adeline’s indifferent eyes that were looking at her were filled with interest for a moment.


Click, his hands leisurely put cigarettes in the case he took out of his pocket.

“Nice to meet you. I am Michael Meitner.”

The man’s lips turned up after the brief introduction.

The modifiers used to describe Michael, who monopolized the military industry in the victorious country of Kassel, were endless.

Of them, the one who terrified the defeated country was definitely the ‘bloody massacre’.

‘For someone who supplied weapons that killed countless people… . . ’

Everything was excessively leisurely and upright.

A smile spread across his sun-drenched blue-gray eyes, and his cool impression changed in an instant.

After finishing the short exploration, Adeline’s ears rang with the affectionate words of her nanny.

“Princess, the type of person you should be most wary of in your life is a man who is unfathomable and has a handsome face.”

“They are the ones who make women boil inside all their lives.”

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I'll Be Saved Under Your Feet
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