Saint, You’re So Vulgar!


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The Saint speaks in a vulgar manner.

“Wow, pepper.”

While it’s still inside me.

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성녀님, 천박하세요!
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1 Review

New Technez
Jan 08, 2025
Status: c30
The latest chapter solidified this for me, but it’s truly well written. I was sure during the first chapter that I would drop it, and the jokes afterwards weren’t the best, but they established the characters personalities and set up part of their arcs. Both of the MCs really grow on you and things are ramping up now into a proper interesting story rather than just erot*c jokes. The jokes do stay, but they help alleviate the mood instead.

As for the latest chapter, to me it established that this story... more>> would have actual side characters; not just one dimensional tools to advance the story. They’re human, they have emotions and reasons for being how they are. This stands out in a flood of web novels that struggle to make a complicated semi interesting main character.

I would recommend to at least give it a try, even if le*d jokes bother you, I think it’s worth it to push through it for what’s looking to be a really good story. That said, I’m good with them, so I don’t have the best perspective on if it’s possible. <<less
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