S-Class Small Business Owner


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After 7 years, I returned from the world of romance fantasy novels to reality. Just when I thought I’d finally come back to a peaceful normal life…

[Breaking News: An area around △△ Station has collapsed due to Esper Y’s rampage. The government has announced they will provide appropriate compensation…]

Looking at my completely destroyed house, I realized something: this world was actually an urban fantasy.


I started a small business to make ends meet. First, I learned that running a flower shop wasn’t my calling. Apparently, neither was running a rice ball shop—a Gate burst open right where it stood. Oh, and somewhere in between, I lost two more rented studios to Yeon Woojin. With my last remaining pennies scraped together, I opened a café. And it became a huge success.


“May I have your name for the loyalty card?”

“I’m Woo-”

When our eyes met, the man blushed slightly as he began to speak. At that exact moment, a booming voice blared from the television.

[Fellow citizens!! Our nation’s pride, the ‘Messiah’ Guild, has achieved a world record for the fastest A-rank high-level Gate clearing!!]

The overly excited reporter was announcing news about the Messiah Guild, led by Yeon Woojin, the highest-ranking Esper. In an instant, all the cluttered thoughts in my head were wiped clean, replaced by pure black rage.

My sworn enemy. The one who had forced me into a nomadic lifestyle. Grinding my teeth, I silently cursed.

“That bastard Yeon Woojin… Just wait till I get my hands on you.”


“Oh, I’m so sorry! So what did you say your name was? I heard Woo…”

“Woo. Joo Wooyae,” the man answered, his face turning pale.

Associated Names
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S-Class Self-Employed Person
S급 자영업자
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Latest Release

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11/13/24 DarkStar Translations c5
10/26/24 DarkStar Translations c4
10/25/24 DarkStar Translations c3
10/24/24 DarkStar Translations c2
10/22/24 DarkStar Translations c1
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