Rouged Lips


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When they married, he promised to paint her lips with rouge. That year the blossom slowly bloomed. However, over time, blossoms wilt and promises are broken.

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Related Series
Lament at Changmen Palace (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Fallacies of Interesting Books (tbr forever)
  2. Sad Story
  3. Tragedy of tragedies
  4. Tragedy Short BGs
  5. into the abyss +.*.

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Date Group Release
08/09/17 Bananachocolatecosmos oneshot
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10 Reviews sorted by

Hanawie rated it
August 9, 2017
Status: Completed
A very poetic oneshot. It hits you right in the feels with just a few vague words. Personally, I find this to be one of the better portrayals of arranged marriages in Ancient China. It outlines the entire progression and common mentality towards marriage while maintaining a small emotional distance by not going into the painful details. Normally, that distance would've allowed readers to not be connected to the characters but the simple and vague way the story is written brings to mind that this is the story of not... more>> one but hundreds and thousands of girls. I can't help but feel a bit emotional, thinking about all the girls, before and now, who went through a similar suffering or loneliness. <<less
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LadyBlue rated it
August 12, 2017
Status: oneshot
I thought this story was short but beautifully written. Translation is on point. This story perfectly captures the state of women in ancient times, when they were considered to be little more than brood mares and easily replaceable. This story definitely left an impression on me. Stop reading my review and start reading this story
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BillionJellyfish rated it
February 3, 2018
Status: Completed
Beautifully written. The translation perfectly captures the poetic feeling of the story and the culture that women were subjected to during the ancient times of China. This story is yet another example of the falling flower have feelings but the flowing water is ignorant.
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The Mighty Cat
The Mighty Cat rated it
May 1, 2021
Status: Completed
This is really sad but also true for many of the rich familes in the ancient China or any other country in the world.

When she couldn't give birth in a year and had to propose her husband get a concubine, I was heartbroken. I just can't even imagine the number of time she was taunted or humiliated for not giving birth to a child. This may not be mentioned in the novel buty heart hurts just by thinking a about this.

I don't really comment on other people's opinion because... more>> different people have different opinion and we should respect that bit I feel like I should comment on this.

A review said FL reaped what she sow. I mean its not like she can create a time machine and travel forward in time where polygamy is not allowed and then fall in love and then get married. She doesn't have the rights to decide her own marriage and her future. The story this novels says is a reality that many women in ancient world suffered from. And also saying that FL was irrational in her time. Who can stay rational after seeing her husband bring many other women in the house. <<less
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luvhiyorimi rated it
May 5, 2020
Status: Completed
Ah... I teared at the end! I didn't expect such a short story, yet it was written so beautifully. The metaphors and each description was breathtaking yet hurtful. It wasn't the type of hurt where I felt heart pains but it just brought forth melancholy.

... more>>

I feel more pain when she suggested his idea to take concubines just for a son. It hurts my heart when a woman has to share a man, a woman as beautiful as her. I don't want to say they weren't fit for each other because he didn't do anything hurtful but at the same time he did. There were no misunderstandings which I'm glad about but it was still hurtful having her go unnoticed. I wish I was there to comfort her even though I'm a girl T_T. Though that would make me seem like a maid or servant that's by her side as I try to comfort her which wouldn't help.


I rarely cry and I wasn't expecting much originally, but at the end I still teared. It was short yet fulfilling. <<less
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Neneee rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: Completed
It's short but beautifully written. In a simple way it shows the culture and the role in Ancient China. At the same time it also displays how human beings are - not treasuring the things they have and only seeing things when they are gone.
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tedy2004 rated it
October 31, 2020
Status: c1
Ugh, I feel sad for the FL but she reaped what she sowed, by falling in love with the dork's ancient men. Really it's like a resume of Ancient China Law about Marriage, sad for FL being brainwashed like any other girl in the ancient china for marriage, and the girls or men who escaped that, cheers for them I suppose.

2 stars, because FL accepts feelings that pass, and not staying rational, in that time (and even in ours, it it advised).
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Miyacherry rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Beautifully written.

In the ancient times, the marriage not just includes both of them, but also the family, the bloodlines.

Btw, translation is on point.
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playeratfault rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: --
This was definitely a read I've been craving for.

The fact that it was written in Vietnamese but was set in Ancient China setting is also wonderful.

I'm glad the author didn't do an extremely long oneshot. It was what jt was: a one shot, probably within 1000 words. There's no in-depth explanation, overly descriptive scenes. It was simply, like a story you'd hear in a conversation.

I love it.
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LouMaknae_KPOP rated it
January 31, 2021
Status: Completed
(I'm French so sorry for my shitty English) 😅😭

Too short. 😑

... more>> The story is beautiful, although it is not out of the ordinary, I have read this kind of story so many times before. Usually that doesn't bother me, but the fact that it was so short meant that I didn't really like it. 😔

I don't find the translation done very well (I'm a foreigner so maybe the translation is well done and it's because English is not my native language that I didn't find it good written, I don't know) 🤔 <<less
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