Romélia Senki


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“Romé, no, Countess Romélia. I can no longer do this with you. I am breaking off our engagement. We will part as soon as I return to my country.”

Prince Henri announced this to me while I was still rejoicing the long-awaited defeat of Zergis, the Demon King.

But the prince did not know, I have the miraculous power of “Grace”. 

This is a re-published version of the previously published Romélia Senki: The engagement was broken when the Demon King was defeated.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A History of the Romelia
Romelia Senki: Forming a Military Organization Because Humanity Still Looks Screwed After Defeating the Demon King
Romelia Senki: Maou wo Taoshita Ato mo Jinrui Yabasou Dakara Guntai Soshikishita
The Romelia Chronicle: Forming a Military Organization Because Humanity Still Looks Screwed After Defeating the Demon King
Related Series
Romelia Senki: Forming a Military Organization Because Humanity Still Looks Screwed After Defeating the Demon King (Light Novel)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Female mc third part
  2. Shouldn't I finish the other 100s?
  3. Novel that seems interesting

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/18/23 Moonlight Novels c14
09/15/23 Moonlight Novels c13
09/13/23 Moonlight Novels c12
09/11/23 Moonlight Novels c11
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05/20/22 Moonlight Novels v1c5
05/20/22 Moonlight Novels v1c4
05/10/22 Moonlight Novels v1c3
05/01/22 Moonlight Novels v1c2
04/17/22 Moonlight Novels v1c1
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